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Old and New Worlds in Greek Onomastics

by: Matthews, E.

Price: 53,00 EURO

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Category: Epigraphy / Greek Linguistics / Early Greek Languages
Code: 9776
ISBN-13: 9780197264126 / 978-0-19-726412-6
ISBN-10: 0197264123 / 0-19-726412-3
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2007
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 241
Book Condition: New
Comments: Proceedings of the British Academy, no. 148 / xi,, 241 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Old and New Worlds in Greek Onomastics
Edited by Elaine Matthews
OUP/British Academy

Proceedings of the British Academy
Sheds light on the identity politics of the ancient Greek world

This volume provides an interpretative guide to using a fundamental resource for the study of the ancient Greek world. Personal names are a statement of identity, a personal choice by parents for their child, reflecting their own ancestry and family traditions, and the religious and political values of the society to which they belong. The names of the ancient Greeks, surviving in their tens of thousands in manuscripts and documents, offer a valuable insight into ancient Greek society.

The essays collected here examine how the Greeks responded to new environments. It draws out issues of identity as expressed through the choice, formation and adaptation of personal names, not only by Greeks when they came into contact with non-Greeks, but of others in relation to Greeks, for example Egyptians, Persians, Thracians, and Semitic peoples, including the Jewish communities in the diaspora. Grounded in the 'old' world of Greece (in particular, Euboia and Thessaly), the volume also reaches out to the many parts of the ancient world where Greeks travelled, traded and settled, and where the dominant culture before the arrival of the Greeks was not Greek.

Reflecting upon the progress of the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names project, which has already published the names of over a quarter of a million ancient Greeks, this volume will be of interest to all scholars and students of the language, literature, history, religion, and archaeology of the ancient Greek world.

Table of Contents
Introduction, Elaine Matthews
Mythological and Heroic Names in the onomastics of Atrax (Thessaly), Jean-Claude Decourt & Athanasios Tziafalias
The Twelve Tribes of Atrax: a Lexical Study, Laurence Darmezin & Athanasios Tziafalias
Thessalian Personal Names and the Greek Lexicon, Jean-Luis Garcia Ramon
the Ptolemaic Garrison of Ptolemais Hermiou, Peter M Fraser
Was there an Anthroponymy of Euboian Origin in the Chalkid-Eretrian Colonies of the West and of Thrace?, Denis Knoepfler
Thracian Personal Names and Military Settlements in Hellenistic Bithynia, Thomas Corsten
Greek Re-interpretation of Iranian Names by Folk Etymology, Rudiger Schmitt
The Persian Presence in the Religious Sanctuaries of Asia Minor, Stephen Mitchell
Semitic Name-Use by Jews in Roman Asia Minor and the dating of the Aphrodisias Stele Inscriptions, Margaret H Williams
The Ambiguous Name: the Limitations of Cultural Identity in Graeco-Roman Onomastics, Maurice Sartre

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Old and New Worlds in Greek Onomastics

by: Matthews, E.

  • ISBN-13: 9780197264126 / 978-0-19-726412-6
  • ISBN-03: 0197264123 / 0-19-726412-3
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007

Price: 53,00 EURO

1 copy in stock