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  Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology

Greek Pins and their connexions with Europe and Asia

by: Jacobstahl, P.

  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1956

Price: 179,00 EURO

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The Architectural Development of the Greek Stoa

by: Coulton, J.J.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198132158 / 978-0-19-813215-8
  • ISBN-10: 0198132158 / 0-19-813215-8
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1976

Price: 175,00 EURO

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Ptolemaic Oinochoai and Portraits in Faience : Aspects of the Ruler-Cult

by: Thompson, D.B.

  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1973

Price: 110,00 EURO

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Protogeometric Pottery

by: Desborough, V.R.d'A.

  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1952

Price: 260,00 EURO

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The Berlin Painter

by: Kurtz, D.C. Beazley, J.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198132202 / 978-0-19-813220-2
  • ISBN-10: 0198132204 / 0-19-813220-4
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1983

Price: 195,00 EURO

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The Temple of Athena at Assos

by: Wescoat, B.D.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198143826 / 978-0-19-814382-6
  • ISBN-10: 0198143826 / 0-19-814382-6
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012

Price: 169,00 EURO

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The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece : A Study of the Origin of the Greek Alphabet and Its development from the Eighth to the Fifth Centuries B.C.

by: Jeffery, L.H. Robertson, M. Boardman, J. Coulton, J. Kurtz, D.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198140610 / 978-0-19-814061-0
  • ISBN-10: 0198140614 / 0-19-814061-4
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1990

Price: 445,00 EURO

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Late classical and Hellenistic silver plate from Macedonia

by: Zimi, E.

  • ISBN-13: 9780199550449 / 978-0-19-955044-9
  • ISBN-10: 0199550441 / 0-19-955044-1
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011

Price: 119,00 EURO

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Etruscan Vase-Painting

by: Beazley, J.D.

  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1947

Price: 189,00 EURO

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Attic Document Reliefs : Art and Politics in Ancient Athens

by: Lawton, C.L. Robertson, M. Boardman, J. Coulton, J.J. Kurtz, D.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198149552 / 978-0-19-814955-2
  • ISBN-10: 0198149557 / 0-19-814955-7
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995

Price: 365,00 EURO

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The Odrysian Kingdom of Thrace : Orpheus Unmasked

by: Archibald, Z.H.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198150473 / 978-0-19-815047-3
  • ISBN-10: 0198150474 / 0-19-815047-4
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998

Price: 289,00 EURO

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Roman Children's Sarcophagi : Their Decoration and Its Social Significance

by: Huskinson, J.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198140863 / 978-0-19-814086-3
  • ISBN-10: 019814086X / 0-19-814086-X
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996

Price: 137,05 EURO

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The Micali Painter and His Followers

by: Spivey, N.J.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198132257/978-0-19-813225-7
  • ISBN-10: 0198132255 / 0-19-813225-5
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987

Price: 80,12 EURO

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The Attic Stamnos

by: Philippaki, B.

  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1967

Price: 155,00 EURO

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The Meidias Painter

by: Burn, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198132219 / 978-0-19-813221-9
  • ISBN-10: 0198132212 / 0-19-813221-2
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987

Price: 128,00 EURO

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The Late Mannerists in Athenian Vase-Painting

by: Mannack, T.

  • ISBN-13: 9780199240890 / 978-0-19-924089-0
  • ISBN-10: 0199240892 / 0-19-924089-2
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001

Price: 289,00 EURO

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Approaches to the Study of Attic Vases : Beazley and Pottier

by: Rouet, P.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198152729 / 978-0-19-815272-9
  • ISBN-10: 0198152728 / 0-19-815272-8
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001

Price: 123,00 EURO

(in stock)

The Dodecanese and the Eastern Aegean Islands in Late Antiquity, AD 300-700

by: Deligiannakis, G.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198745990 / 978-0-19-874599-0
  • ISBN-10: 0198745990 / 0-19-874599-0
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016


Figured Tombstones from Macedonia, Fifth-First Century BC

by: Kalaitzi, M.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198746454 / 978-0-19-874645-4
  • ISBN-10: 0198746458 / 0-19-874645-8
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016


Greek City Walls of the Archaic Period, 900-480 BC

by: Frederiksen, R.

  • ISBN-13: 9780199578122
  • ISBN-10: 0199578125
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011


Komast dancers in archaic Greek art

by: Smith, T.J.

  • ISBN-13: 9780199578658
  • ISBN-10: 0199578656
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010


Archaic Cyprus : a study of the textual and archaeological evidence

by: Reyes, A.T.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198132271 / 978-0-19-813227-1
  • ISBN-10: 0198132271 / 0-19-813227-1
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994


Naukratis : trade in archaic Greece

by: Moller, A.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198152842
  • ISBN-10: 0198152841
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000


Greek Architectural Terracottas: from the Prehistoric to the End of the Archaic Period

by: Winter, N.A.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198147947
  • ISBN-10: 0198147945
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005


Chryselephantine Statuary in the Ancient Mediterranean World

by: Lapatin, K.D.S.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198153115
  • ISBN-10: 0198153112
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001


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