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Vitruvius: The Ten Books on Architecture

by: Vitruvius

Price: 21,72 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Architecture Greek / Architecture Greco-Roman
Code: 11655
ISBN-13: 9780486206455 / 978-0-486-20645-5
ISBN-10: 0486206459 / 0-486-20645-9
Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc.
Publication Date: 1960
Publication Place: New York
Binding: Paper
Pages: 331
Book Condition: Very good
Comments: Translated by Morris Hicky Morgan, 68 illustrations

Book 1. The education of the architect
Fundamental principles of architecture
Departments of architecture
The site of a city
The city walls
Directions of the streets; with remarks on the winds
Sites for public buildings
Book 2. The origin of the dwelling house
On the primordial substance according to the physicists
Methods of building walls
Highland and lowland fir
Book 3. On symmetry: in temples and in the human body
Classification of temples
The proportions of intercolumniations and of columns
Foundations and substructures of temples
Proportions of the base, capitals, and entablature in the Ionic order
Book 4. Origins of the three orders, and the proportions of the Corinthian capital
The ornaments of the orders
Proportions of Doric temples
The cella and pronaos
How the temple should face
Doorways of temples
Tuscan temples
Circular temples and other varieties
Book 5. The forum and basilica
The treasury, prison, and senate house
The theatre: its site, foundations, and acoustics
Sounding vessels in the theatre
Plan of the theatre
Greek theatres
Acoustics of the site of a theatre
Colonnades and walks
The Palaestra
Harbours, breakwaters, and shipyards. Book 6. On climate as determining the style of the house
Symmetry, and modifications in it to suit the site
Proportions of the principal rooms
Proper exposures of the different rooms
How the rooms should be suited to the status of the owner
The farmhouse
The Greek house
On foundations and substructures
Book 7. Floors
Slaking of lime for stucco
Vaultings and stucco work
On stucco work in damp places, and on the decoration of dining rooms
The decadence of fresco painting
Marble for use in stucco
Natural colours
Cinnabar and quicksilver
Artificial colours. Black
Blue. Burnt ochre
White lead, verdigris, and artificial sandarach
Substitutes for purple, yellow ochre, malachite green, and indigo
Book 8. How to find water
Various properties of different waters
Tests of good water
Levelling and levelling instruments
Aqueducts, wells, and cisterns
Book 9. The zodiac and the planets
The phases of the moon
The course of the sun through the twelve signs
The northern constellations
The southern constellations
Astrology and weather prognostics
The analemma and its applications
Sundials and water clocks
Book 10. Machines and implements
Hoisting machines
Elements of motion
Engines for raising water
Water wheels and water mills
The water screw
The pump of Ctesibius
The water organ
The hodometer
Catapults or scorpiones
The stringing and tuning of catapults
Siege machines
The tortoise
Hegetor's tortoise
Measures of defence
Note on scamilli impares

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Vitruvius: The Ten Books on Architecture

by: Vitruvius

  • ISBN-13: 9780486206455 / 978-0-486-20645-5
  • ISBN-03: 0486206459 / 0-486-20645-9
  • Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1960

Price: 21,72 EURO

1 copy in stock