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Das hellenistische Konigspaar in der medialen Reprasentation : Ptolemaios II. und Arsinoe II.

by: Muller, S.

Price: 109,95 EURO

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Category: Numismatics
Code: 14697
ISBN-13: 9783110209174 / 978-3-11-020917-4
ISBN-10: 3110209179 / 3-11-020917-9
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
Publication Date: 2009
Publication Place: Berlin
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 454
Book Condition: New
Comments: Beitrage zur Altertumskunde 263 / BZA 263

Das hellenistische Königspaar in der medialen Repräsentation
Ptolemaios II. und Arsinoe II.
The dynastic image of the Hellenistic royal couple
Sabine Müller
Volume 263 in the series Beiträge zur Altertumskunde

About this book
The Hellenistic monarchies arose from the collapse of Alexander?s empire, and represented new forms of rule. This study demonstrates how the Hellenistic ruler presented himself and his family in picture, text and on official occasions. In particular the representation of the Hellenistic royal couple and the role of the queen at court are examined on the basis of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Central aspects of the study are the political background to the marriage between Ptolemy II, during his reign that marriage between royal siblings and the deification of the ruling royal couple were introduces, and his sister Arsinoë II, and how the royal couple presented themselves to Greeks, Macedonians, and Egyptians.




I. Einleitung

II. Heiratspolitik und Dynastiebildung

III. Endogame Heiratspolitik

IV. Die mediale Inszenierung des Ptolemäerpaars


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Das hellenistische Konigspaar in der medialen Reprasentation : Ptolemaios II. und Arsinoe II.

by: Muller, S.

  • ISBN-13: 9783110209174 / 978-3-11-020917-4
  • ISBN-03: 3110209179 / 3-11-020917-9
  • Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2009

Price: 109,95 EURO

1 copy in stock