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Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen Welt (ANRW) / Rise and Decline of the Roman World: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung Tl 2: Principat. Bd 36.1 / 36.2 / 36.3 / 36.4 / 36.5

by: Haase, W.

Price: 2.035,00 EURO

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Category: Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen Welt (ANRW) / Rise and Decline of the Roman World
Code: 21720
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
Publication Place: Berlin
Binding: Cloth
Book Condition: New
Comments: 5 volumes set / Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik

Band 36/1. Teilband
Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie (Historische Einleitung; Platonismus)
Ed. by Haase, Wolfgang

ISBN 13: 9783110103786 / 978-3-11-010378-6
ISBN 10: 3110103788 / 3-11-010378-8

24 x 17 cmxvi, 712 pages Language: German, English, French

Les écoles philosophiques aux deux premiers siècles de l'Empire
André, Jean-Marie
Pages 5-78


Platonic Philosophy in the Early Centuries of the Empire
Whittaker, John
Pages 81-123

Bibliographie du platonisme impérial antérieur à Plotin: 1926—1986
Deitz, Luc
Pages 124-183

Plutarque et le platonisme
Froidefond, Christian
Pages 184-233

Plutarch's cDe animae procreatione in Timaeo': An Analysis of Structure and Content
Hershbell, Jackson P.
Pages 234-247

An Imperial Heritage: The Religious Spirit of Plutarch of Chaironeia
Brenk, Frederick E.
Pages 248-349

Plutarch und der Dualismus
Bianchi, Ugo
Pages 350-365

Pythagoreanism or Platonism and Ancient Medicine? The Reasons for Vegetarianism in Plutarch's 'Moralia'
Tsekourakis, Damianos
Pages 366-394

Apuleius, Philosophus Platonicus
Hijmans, B. L.
Pages 395-476

Attico: una figura singolare del medioplatonismo
Moreschini, Claudio
Pages 477-492

Ammonius Saccas
Schroeder, Frederic M.
Pages 493-527

Plotinus in the Light of Twenty Years' Scholarship, 1951 — 1971
Blumenthal, H. J.
Pages 528-570

The Course of Plotinian Scholarship from 1971 to 1986
Corrigan, Kevin
Pages 571-623

Structure et thèmes du Traité 38 (VI, 7) de Plotin
Hadot, Pierre
Pages 624-676

Synousia, Synaisthaesis and Synesis: Presence and Dependence in the Plotinian Philosophy of Consciousness
Schroeder, Frederic M.
Pages 677-699

Mystical Elements in Plotinus' Thought
Bussanich, John
Pages 700-700

Asceticism as Athletic Training in Plotinus
Dombrowski, Daniel A.
Pages 701-712

Pages 713-716


Band 36/2. Teilband
Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie (Platonismus [Forts.]; Aristotelismus)
Ed. by Haase, Wolfgang

ISBN 13: 9783110103922 / 978-3-11-010392-2
ISBN 10: 3110103923 / 3-11-010392-3

24 x 17 cmxii, 604 pages Language: German, English, French


Porphyrian Studies Since 1913
Smith, Andrew
Pages 717-773

Porphyry and Vegetarianism: A Contemporary Philosophical Approach
Dombrowski, Daniel A.
Pages 774-792

Amélius: Sa vie, son oeuvre, sa doctrine, son style
Brisson, Luc
Pages 793-861

Iamblichus of Chalcis (c. 240-325 A. D.)
Dillon, John
Pages 862-910

Scepticism and Neoplatonism
Wallis, R. T.
Pages 911-954

Plotinus, Porphyry, and the Neoplatonic Interpretation of the ?Categories?
Strange, Steven K.
Pages 955-974

Amelius, Plotinus and Porphyry on Being, Intellect and the One. A Reappraisal
Corrigan, Kevin
Pages 975-993

Bonum est diffusivum sui. Ein Beitrag zum Verhältnis von Neuplatonismus und Christentum
Kremer, Klaus
Pages 994-1033

Frede, Michael
Pages 1034-1076


Aristotelian philosophy in the Roman world from the time of Cicero to the end of the second century AD
Gottschalk, H. B.
Pages 1079-1175

Alexander of Aphrodisias: Scholasticism and Innovation
Sharples, R. W.
Pages 1176-1243

Il ?De fato? di Alessandro. Questioni di coerenza
Donini, P. L.
Pages 1244-1259

Alexander of Aphrodisias: the Book of Ethical Problems
Madigan, Arthur
Pages 1260-1280


In the Light of the Moon: Demonology in the Early Imperial Period
Brenk, Frederick E.
Pages 1283-1299

An Imperial Heritage: The Religious Spirit of Plutarch of Chaironeia
Brenk, Frederick E.
Pages 1300-1322

Pages 1323-1324


Band 36/3. Teilband
Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie (Stoizismus)
Ed. by Haase, Wolfgang

ISBN 13: 9783110103939 / 978-3-11-010393-9
ISBN 10: 3110103931 / 3-11-010393-1

24 x 17 cmxv, 926 pages Language: German, English, French


Posidonius?s Theory of Historical Causation
Hahm, David E.
Pages 1325-1364

The Stoics and their Cosmology in the first and second centuries A. D.
Todd, Robert B.
Pages 1365-1378

Stoic Cosmology and Roman Literature, First to Third Centuries A.D.
Lapidge, Michael
Pages 1379-1429

Stoïcisme et hypothèse géocentrique
Aujac, Germaine
Pages 1430-1453

Stoische Symmetrie und Theorie des Schönen in der Kaiserzeit
Horn, Hans-Jürgen
Pages 1454-1472

Cotidie meditare. Theory and Practice of the meditatio in Imperial Stoicism
Newman, Robert J.
Pages 1473-1517

Stoicism and Slavery in the Roman Empire
Manning, C. E.
Pages 1518-1544

Quarante ans de recherche sur les oeuvres philosophiques de Sénèque (Bibliographie 1945 -1985)
Chaumartin, F.-R.
Pages 1545-1605

La production littéraire de Sénèque sous les règnes de Caligula et de Claude, sens philosophique et portée politique: les ?Consolations? et le ?De ira?
Fillion-Lahille, Janine
Pages 1606-1638

Les idéaux stoïciens et les premières responsabilités politiques: le ?De Clementia?
Mortureux, Bernard
Pages 1639-1685

Les désillusions de Sénèque devant l?évolution de la politique néronienne et l?aspiration à la retraite: le ?De uita beata? et le ?De beneficiis?
Chaumartin, F. - R.
Pages 1686-1723

Sénèque: ?De breuitate uitae?, ?De constantia sapientis?, ?De tranquillitate animi?, ?De otio?
André, Jean-Marie
Pages 1724-1778

La physique de Sénèque: Ordonnance et structure des ?Naturales Quaestiones?
Codoñer, Carmen
Pages 1779-1822

Le ?Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium? di Seneca. Valore letterario e filosofico
Mazzoli, Giancarlo
Pages 1823-1877

Il ?De Providentia? di Seneca fra lingua e filosofia
Dionigi, Ivano
Pages 1878-1878

Senecae operum fragmenta: Überblick und Forschungsbericht
Lausberg, Marion
Pages 1879-1961

Sénèque et le Stoïcisme Romain
Grimal, Pierre
Pages 1962-1992

Seneca and Stoic Orthodoxy
Rist, John M.
Pages 1993-2013

Cornutus and Stoic Allegoresis: A Preliminary Report
Most, Glenn W.
Pages 2014-2066

Chaeremon der Stoiker
Frede, Michael
Pages 2067-2104

Musonio, maestro di Epitteto
Laurenti, Renato
Pages 2105-2147

The Stoicism of Epictetus: Twentieth Century Perspectives
Hershbell, Jackson
Pages 2148-2163

La Morale d?Epictète et le christianisme
Jagu, A.
Pages 2164-2200

Ierocle stoico. Oikeiosis e doveri sociali
Parente, Margherita Isnardi
Pages 2201-2227

The Stoicism of Marcus Aurelius
Asmis, Elizabeth
Pages 2228-2252

Pages 2253-2254


Band 36/4. Teilband
Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie (Epikureismus, Skeptizismus, Kynismus, Orphica; Doxographica)
Ed. by Haase, Wolfgang

ISBN 13: 9783110124415 / 978-3-11-012441-5
ISBN 10: 3110124416 / 3-11-012441-6

24 x 17 cmxvii, 985 pages11 plates Language: German, English, French

Philosophie; Wissenschaften; Technik: Philosophie (Epikureismus, Skeptizismus, Kynismus, Orphica; Doxographica)

Epikureismus, Skeptizismus, Kynismus, Orphica

Epicureanism under the Roman Empire
Ferguson, John
Pages 2257-2327

Filodemo: gli orientamenti della ricerca attuale
Dorandi, Tiziano
Pages 2328-2368

Philodemus? Epicureanism
Asmis, Elizabeth
Pages 2369-2406

Filodemo storico del pensiero antico
Dorandi, Tiziano
Pages 2407-2423

Diogeniano, gli epicurei e la τύχη
Isnardi Parente, Margherita
Pages 2424-2445

The Philosophical Inscription of Diogenes of Oenoanda: New Discoveries 1969–1983
Clay, Diskin
Pages 2446-2560

Die Atomistik in römischer Zeit: Rezeption und Verdrängung
Stückelberger, Alfred
Pages 2561-2581

The Skepticism of Sextus Empiricus
Allen, James
Pages 2582-2607

Pyrrhonism, Belief and Causation. Observations on the Scepticism of Sextus Empiricus
Barnes, Jonathan
Pages 2608-2695

Il programma dello scettico: struttura e forme di argomentazione del primo libro delle ?Ipotiposi pirroniche? di Sesto Empirico
Cortassa, Guido
Pages 2696-2719

Le cynisme à l'époque impériale
Goulet-Cazé, Marie-Odile
Pages 2720-2833

Der Kyniker Oenomaus von Gadara
Hammerstaedt, Jürgen
Pages 2834-2866

Orphée et l?Orphisme à l?époque impériale. Témoignages et interprétations philosophiques, de Plutarque à Jamblique
Brisson, Luc
Pages 2867-2932

Doxographica: Arius Didymus, Aetius

The Ethical Doxography of Arius Didymus
Hahm, David E.
Pages 2935-3055

Doxography and Dialectic. The Sitz im Leben of the ?Placita?
Mansfeld, Jaap
Pages 3056-3230

The Philosophical Inscription of Diogenes of Oenoanda: New Discoveries 1969–1983
Clay, Diskin
Pages 3231-3233

Hahm, David E.
Pages 3234-3259

Pages 3260-3262

Band 36/5. Teilband
Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie (Einzelne Autoren; Doxographica)
Ed. by Haase, Wolfgang

ISBN 13: 9783110127942 / 978-3-11-012794-2
ISBN 10: 3110127946 / 3-11-012794-6

24 x 17 cmxviii, 571 pages Language: German, English, Italian

Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik: Philosophie (Einzelne Autoren; Doxographica)

Varia Zu: Plinius D. Ä., Dion Von Prusa, Plutarch, Lukian, Galen

Filosofia e ideologia nella ?Naturalis historia? di Plinio
Marchetti, Sandra Citroni
Pages 3249-3307

Struttura compositiva e fonti della terza orazione ?Sulla regalita? di Dione Crisostomo: Dione e l??Archelao? di Antistene
Brancacci, Aldo
Pages 3308-3335

Plutarch and Stoicism
Hershbell, Jackson P.
Pages 3336-3352

Plutarch and Epicureanism
Hershbell, Jackson P.
Pages 3353-3383

Plutarch und die politische Philosophie der Griechen
Wzn, G. J. D. Aalders H.
Pages 3384-3405

Lucian of Samosata: Four Philosophical Lives (Nigrinus, Demonax, Peregrinus, Alexander Pseudomantis)
Clay, Diskin
Pages 3406-3450

Kaiserzeitlicher Skeptizismus in platonischem Gewand: Lukians ?Hermotimos?
Nesselrath, Heinz-Günther
Pages 3451-3483

Galeno e la filosofia
Donini, P. L.
Pages 3484-3504

Galen?s Philosophical Eclecticism
Hankinson, R. James
Pages 3505-3522

Galen und die Logik
Hülser, Karlheinz
Pages 3523-3554

Doxographica: Diogenes Laertius, Hippolytus

Diogenes Laertius and the Transmission of Greek Philosophy
Mejer, Jørgen
Pages 3556-3602

Ii secondo libro delle ?Vite? di Diogene Laerzio
Giannantoni, Gabriele
Pages 3603-3618

Diogène Laërce, ?Vies et doctrines des philosophes illustres?
Brisson, Luc
Pages 3619-3760

II quarto libro delle ?Vite? di Diogene Laerzio: l?Academia da Speusippo a Clitomaco
Dorandi, Tiziano
Pages 3761-3793

Brisson, Luc
Pages 2*-26*

Pages 27*-30*

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Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen Welt (ANRW) / Rise and Decline of the Roman World: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung Tl 2: Principat. Bd 36.1 / 36.2 / 36.3 / 36.4 / 36.5

by: Haase, W.

  • Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 

Price: 2.035,00 EURO

1 copy in stock