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The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers

by: Cummings, V. Jordan, P. Zvelebil, M.

Price: 48,00 EURO

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Category: Oxford Handbooks
Code: 24013
ISBN-13: 9780198831044 / 978-0-19-883104-4
ISBN-10: 0198831048 / 0-19-883104-8
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2018
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Paper
Book Condition: New
Comments: Oxford Handbooks

The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers
Edited by Vicki Cummings, Peter Jordan, and Marek Zvelebil
Oxford Handbooks
Presents a detailed introduction to all major themes in hunter-gatherer studies
Provides global coverage of both archaeology and anthropology
Outlines a vision for future research in hunter-gatherer studies

For more than a century, the study of hunting and gathering societies has been central to the development of both archaeology and anthropology as academic disciplines, and has also generated widespread public interest and debate. The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers provides a comprehensive review of hunter-gatherer studies to date, including critical engagements with older debates, new theoretical perspectives, and renewed obligations for greater engagement between researchers and indigenous communities. Chapters provide in-depth archaeological, historical, and anthropological case-studies, and examine far-reaching questions about human social relations, attitudes to technology, ecology, and management of resources and the environment, as well as issues of diet, health, and gender relations—all central topics in hunter-gatherer research, but also themes that have great relevance for modern global society and its future challenges.

The Handbook also provides a strategic vision for how the integration of new methods, approaches, and study regions can ensure that future research into the archaeology and anthropology of hunter-gatherers will continue to deliver penetrating insights into the factors that underlie all human diversity.

Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Contributors
Introduction: the Oxford handbook of the archaeology and anthropology of hunter-gatherers, Peter Jordan and Vicki Cummings
Part I: Theoretical Frameworks
1: Analytical frames of reference in hunter-gatherer research, Peter Jordan and Vicki Cummings
2: Defining hunter-gatherers: Enlightenment, Romantic and social evolutionary perspectives, Alan Barnard
3: Historical frames of reference for 'hunter-gatherers', Mark Pluciennik
4: Adaptive and ecological approaches to the study of hunter-gatherers, Raven Garvey and Robery Bettinger
5: Historical and humanist perspectives on hunter-gatherers, Aubrey Cannon
6: Hunter-gatherer-fishers, ethnoarchaeology and analogical reasoning, Paul J. Lane
7: Man the hunter, woman the gatherer? The impact of gender studies on hunter-gatherer research (a retrospective), Kathleen Sterling
Part II: The Earliest Hunter-Gatherers
8: Introduction: the first hunter-gatherers, Jennie Robinson
9: The Neanderthals: evolution, paleoecology and extinction, João Zilhão
10: Modern human origins in Africa: a review of the fossil, archaeological, and genetic perspectives on early Homo sapiens, K.L. Kuykendall and I.S. Heyerdahl-King
11: Upper Palaeolithic hunters-gatherers in western Asia, Ofer Bar-Yosef
12: The European Upper Palaeolithic, Paul Pettitt
13: The Palaeolithic of northern Asia, Anatoly P. Derevianko, Sergei V. Markin and Andrei V. Tabarev
14: Homo sapiens societies: South Asia, Michael Petraglia and Nicole Boivin
15: Homo sapiens societies in Indonesia and south-eastern Asia, Sue O'Connor and David Bulbeck
16: Hunter-gatherers in Australia: deep histories of continuity and change, Iain Davidson
17: Into the Americas: the earliest hunter-gatherers in an empty continent, Marcel Kornfeld and Gustavo Politis
Part III: Post-glacial Colonizations and Transformations
18: Hunter-gatherers in the post-glacial world, Vicki Cummings
19: Post-glacial transformations among hunter-gatherer societies in the Mediterranean and western Asia, Andrew M. T. Moore
20: Post-glacial transformations in Africa, Andrew B. Smith
21: Post-glacial transformations in south and south-east Asia, Ryan Rabett and Sacha Jones
22: Post-Pleistocene transformations of hunter-gatherers in east Asia: the Jomon and Chulmun, Junko Habu
23: Post-glacial transformations: Danubian Europe, Jiří Svoboda
24: Transformations? The Mesolithic of north-west Europe, Graeme Warren
25: The resettlement of northern Europe, Felix Riede
Part IV: Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Innovations
26: Prehistoric hunter-gatherer innovations, Peter Jordan and Vicki Cummings
27: Stone tool technology, Steven L. Kuhn and Amy E. Clark
28: Art for the living, J. D. Lewis-Williams
29: Social complexity, Brian Hayden
30: Ceramic technology, Peter Hommel
31: Coastal adaptations, C. R. Wickham-Jones
32: Mortuary practices, Liv Nilsson Stutz
33: Plant domestications, David R. Harris
34: Animal domestications, Alan K. Outram
Part V: The Persistence of Hunting and Gathering Amongst Farmers in Prehistory and Beyond
35: Hunting and gathering in a farmers' world, Vicki Cummings
36: The persistence of hunting and gathering: Neolithic western temperate and central Europe, Detlef Gronenborn
37: The persistence of hunting and gathering amongst farmers in prehistory in Neolithic north-west Europe, D. C. M. Raemaekers
38: The continuity of hunting and gathering in the Neolithic and beyond in Britain and Ireland, Vicki Cummings and Oliver Harris
39: Forager-farmer contacts in northern Fennoscandinavia, Charlotte Damm and Lars Forsberg
40: The persistence of hunting and gathering amongst farmers in south-east Asia in prehistory and beyond, Huw Barton
41: The emergence of forager-farmer interaction in North America, Katherine A Spielmann
Part VI: Ethnohistory and Anthropology of 'Modern' Hunter-Gatherers
42: The ethnohistory and anthropology of 'modern' hunter gatherers, Peter Jordan
43: Hunter-gatherer research traditions in southern Africa, Robert K. Hitchcock
44: Central African hunter-gatherer research traditions, Barry S. Hewlett and Jason Fancher
45: Regional hunter-gatherer research traditions: Australia, Ian Keen
46: From ethnohistory to ethnogenesis: a historiography of hunter-gatherer cultural anthropology in the California and the Great Basin, David Robinson
47: Exploring hunter-gatherer-fisher complexity on the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America, Sean O'Neill
48: Regional hunter-gatherer traditions in south-east Asia, Jana Fortier
49: Regional hunter-gatherer research traditions: South America, Gustavo G. Politis and Almudena Hernando
50: The ethnohistory and anthropology of 'modern' hunter-gatherers: North Japan, Mark Hudson
51: Hunter-gatherer transformations in northern Europe after 1500 AD, Jussi-Pekka Taavitsainen
Part VII: Future Directions in Hunter-Gatherer Research
52: New approaches in the study of hunter-gatherers, Peter Jordan and Vicki Cummings
53: Future directions in hunter-gatherer research: technology, Robert L. Kelly
54: Cultural transmission theory and hunter-gatherer archaeology, Jelmer W. Eerkens, Robert L. Bettinger, and Peter J. Richerson
55: Archaeogenetics of Africa and of the African hunter-gatherers, Viktor Ćerný and Luísa Pereira
56: Landscapes of mobility: the flow of place, Bruno David, Lara Lamb, and Jack Kaiwari
57: Personhood and social relations, Nyree Finlay
58: Materials, biographies, identities, experiences: new approaches to materials in hunter-gatherer studies, Hannah Cobb
59: Hunter-gatherer religion and ritual, David S. Whitley
60: Hunter-gatherer gender and identity, Robert Jarvenpa and Hetty Jo Brumbach
61: Hunter-gatherer diet, subsistence and foodways, Rick Schulting 

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The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers

by: Cummings, V. Jordan, P. Zvelebil, M.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198831044 / 978-0-19-883104-4
  • ISBN-03: 0198831048 / 0-19-883104-8
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018

Price: 48,00 EURO

(in stock)