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Justinian und die Armee des fruhen Byzanz / [Justinian and the Army of Early Byzantium]

by: Koehn, C.

Price: 116,55 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Ancient Warfare / Military Studies
Code: 24259
ISBN-13: 9783110597011 / 978-3-11-059701-1
ISBN-10: 3110597012 / 3-11-059701-2
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
Publication Date: 2018
Publication Place: Berlin
Binding: Cloth
Book Condition: New
Comments: Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies 70 / ISSN 1862-1139

Although the long reign of Emperor Justinian I (527–565 CE) and the military history of late antiquity have been frequent subjects of ancient historical research, the emperor?s military policy has not been closely studied until now. This study contributes to our understanding the specific course of decisionmaking and the intentions of imperial activity in the military sector.


Pages I-IV

Pages V-VI


I . Einleitung
Pages 1-7

II .Die Armee als militärisches Instrument
Pages 8-145

III. Die Armee als politisches Instrument
Pages 146-274

IV. Schlußbetrachtung: Justinians Kriegführung als Modell der byzantinischen Kriegführung?
Pages 275-284

V .Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis
Pages 285-296

Namens- und Sachregister
Pages 297-300

Pages 301-310

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Justinian und die Armee des fruhen Byzanz / [Justinian and the Army of Early Byzantium]

by: Koehn, C.

  • ISBN-13: 9783110597011 / 978-3-11-059701-1
  • ISBN-03: 3110597012 / 3-11-059701-2
  • Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2018

Price: 116,55 EURO

1 copy in stock