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  Books by : Palyvou, C.

Das kosmopolitische Ugarit und die agaischen Merkmale seiner Hausarchitektur

by: Palyvou, C.

  • ISBN-13: 9783936300390 / 978-3-936300-39-0
  • ISBN-10: 3936300399 / 3-936300-39-9
  • , Weilheim/Obb. Bayern, 2007


Akrotiri (Thera/Santorini): Versuch eines chronologischen Neuansatzes anhand neuer archaometrischer daten. Round-Table-Diskussion

by: Palyvou, C. Knauss, J. Doumas, Chr. Matthaus, H. Hadjisavvas, S.& Artzy, M. Platon, L. Felsch-Jacob, M.

  • ISBN-13: 9783936300383 / 978-3-936300-38-3
  • ISBN-10: 3936300380 / 3-936300-38-0
  • , Weilheim/Obb. Bayern, 2007

Price: 8,00 EURO

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ΑΚΡΩΤΗΡΙ ΘΗΡΑΣ: Η ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚΗ ΤΗΣ ΔΥΤΙΚΗΣ ΟΙΚΙΑΣ / Akrotiri, Thera: The Architecture of the West House

by: ΠΑΛΥΒΟΥ, Κ. / Palyvou, C.

  • ISBN-13: 9789602044070 / 978-960-204-407-0
  • ISBN-10: 9602044071 / 960-204-407-1
  • ΕΚΔΟΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΙΚΟΣ ΜΕΛΙΣΣΑ / Melissa Publishing House, ΑΘΗΝΑ / Athens, 2019

Price: 32,00 EURO

1 copy in stock

Daidalos at Work : A Phenomenological Approach to the Study of Minoan Architecture

by: Palyvou, C.

  • ISBN-13: 9781931534949 / 978-1-931534-94-9
  • ISBN-10: 1931534942 / 1-931534-94-2
  • INSTAP Academic Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2019


Akrotiri, Thera 17th Centuri BC: A Cosmopolitan Harbour Town 3,500 Years Old. Lectures presented at the one-day colloquium, organized by the Centre Culturel Hellenique Paris, 30 October 2013

by: Doumas, Chr.G. Palyvou, C. Devetzi, A. Boulotis, C.

  • ISBN-13: 9789609826983 / 978-960-98269-8-3
  • ISBN-10: 9609826989 / 960-98269-8-9
  • Society for The Promotion of Studies on Prehistoric Thera, Athens, 2015

Price: 12,72 EURO

(in stock)

ΘΗΡΑΣΙΑ Ι: ΜΙΑ ΔΙΑΧΡΟΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΑΔΡΟΜΗ / Therasia I: A timeless route

by: ΠΑΛΥΒΟΥ, Κ. ΤΖΑΧΙΛΗ, Ι. / Palyvou, C. Tzachili, I.

  • ISBN-13: 9789609826136 / 978-960-98261-3-6
  • ISBN-10: 960982613X / 960-98261-3-X
  • ΤΑ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΑ / Ta Pragmata, ΑΘΗΝΑ / Athens, 2015

Price: 13,50 EURO

(in stock)

Akrotiri Thera: An Architecture Of Affluence 3,500 Years Old

by: Palyvou, C.

  • ISBN-13: 9781931534147
  • ISBN-10: 1931534144
  • INSTAP Academic Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2005