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  Mythology / Ancient Religion

Die Nymphen : Untersuchungen zum dios-Begriff 2

by: Zusanek, H.

  • ISBN-13: 9783631329955
  • ISBN-10: 3631329954
  • Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 1998

Price: 77,77 EURO

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Artemis : Gestaltwandel einer Gottin

by: Hoenn, K.

  • Artemis Verlag, Zurich, 1946

Price: 48,13 EURO

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by: Zusanek, H.

  • ISBN-13: 9783631500965 / 978-3-631-50096-5
  • ISBN-10: 3631500963 / 3-631-50096-3
  • Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2003

Price: 72,00 EURO

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Griechische Mythologie, Band I : Theogonie und Goetter

by: Preller, L.

  • Weidmann, Berlin, 1894

Price: 195,00 EURO

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Religionsfreiheit und Toleranz im Altertum : 27. Jahresfeier am 18. Mai 1977

by: Kotting, B.

  • ISBN-13: 9783531072234 / 978-3-531-07223-4
  • ISBN-10: 3531072234 / 3-531-07223-4
  • Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 1977

Price: 6,00 EURO

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Griechische Religionsphilosophie

by: Gilbert, O.

  • Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, 1911

Price: 83,93 EURO

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Thessalische Mythologie

by: Philippson, P.

  • Rhein Verlag, Zurich, 1944

Price: 72,19 EURO

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Griechische Mythologie

by: Preller, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9780405105623 / 978-0-405-10562-3
  • ISBN-10: 0405105622 / 0-405-10562-2
  • Arno Press, New York, 1978

Price: 159,94 EURO

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Sisters Rejoice : Paul's Letter to the Philippians and Luke-Acts as Seen by First-century Philippian Women

by: Portefaix, L.

  • Almqvist & Wiksell International, Stockholm, 1988

Price: 29,00 EURO

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Reading Greek Culture : Texts and Images, Rituals and Myths

by: Sourvinou-Inwood, Chr.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198147503 / 978-0-19-814750-3
  • ISBN-10: 0198147503 / 0-19-814750-3
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991

Price: 145,00 EURO

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Dionysos : Mythos und Kultus

by: Otto, W.F.

  • Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main, 1933

Price: 42,85 EURO

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Orpheus and Greek Religion : A Study of the Orphic Movement

by: Guthrie, W.K.C.

  • ISBN-13: 9780691024998 / 978-0-691-02499-8
  • ISBN-10: 0691024995 / 0-691-02499-5
  • Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1993

Price: 36,00 EURO

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Religionsgeschichte der Archaik

by: Gollob, H.

  • , Wien, 1956

Price: 15,00 EURO

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Simon Magus : An essay of the founder of Simonianism based on the ancient sources with a re-evaluation of his philosophy and teachings

by: Mead, G.R.S.

  • ISBN-13: 9780890052587 / 978-0-89005-258-7
  • ISBN-10: 0890052581 / 0-89005-258-1
  • Ares Publishers, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, 1975

Price: 22,00 EURO

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La femme dans les societes primitives et autres essais d'anthropologie sociale

by: Evans-Pritchard, E.E.

  • Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1971

Price: 30,00 EURO

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Let us die that we may live : Greek homilies on Christian martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350-AD 450)

by: Leemans, J. Mayer, W. Allen, P. Dehandschutter, B.

  • ISBN-13: 9780415240420 / 978-0-415-24042-0
  • ISBN-10: 0415240425 / 0-415-24042-5
  • Routledge, London, 2003

Price: 43,00 EURO

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Dedale : Mythologie de l'artisan en grece ancienne

by: Frontisi-Ducroux, F.

  • Francois Maspero, Paris, 1975

Price: 36,98 EURO

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Religion et piete a Rome

by: Scheid, J.

  • ISBN-13: 9782707115300 / 978-2-7071-1530-0
  • ISBN-10: 2707115304 / 2-7071-1530-4
  • La Decouverte, Paris, 1985

Price: 25,00 EURO

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Mythe et tragedie en Grece ancienne, tome II

by: Vernant, J.-P. Vidal-Naquet, P.

  • ISBN-13: 9782707115904 / 978-2-7071-1590-4
  • ISBN-10: 2707115908 / 5904 2707115908 |
  • La Decouverte, Paris, 1986

Price: 27,00 EURO

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Mythe et tragedie en Grece ancienne, tome I

by: Vernant, J.-P. Vidal-Naquet, P.

  • ISBN-13: 9782707116123 / 978-2-7071-1612-3
  • ISBN-10: 2707116122 / 2-7071-1612-2
  • La Decouverte, Paris, 1986

Price: 19,36 EURO

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Mythos und Welt

by: Otto, W.F.

  • Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1962

Price: 49,00 EURO

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Die Gotter des klassischen Altertums : Populare Mythologie der Griechen und Romer

by: Stoll, K.M.

  • B.G. Teubner, Leipzig, 1907

Price: 37,00 EURO

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Greece before Homer : Ancient Chronology and Mythology

by: Forsdyke, J.

  • Max Parrish, London, 1956

Price: 38,00 EURO

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Altgriechischer Baumkultus

by: Weniger, L.

  • Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Leipzig, 1919

Price: 49,00 EURO

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Bild und Lied : Archaologische Beitrage zur Geschichte der griechischen Heldensage

by: Robert, C.

  • ISBN-13: 9780405072772 / 978-0-405-07277-2
  • ISBN-10: 0405072775 / 0-405-07277-5
  • Arno Press, New York, 1975

Price: 45,00 EURO

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