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Portraits of the Ptolemies : Greek Kings as Egyptian Pharaohs

by: Stanwick, P.E.

Price: 92,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Greek Sculpture / Roman Sculpture
Code: 4297
ISBN-13: 9780292777729 / 978-0-292-77772-9
ISBN-10: 0292777728 / 0-292-77772-8
Publisher: University of Texas Press
Publication Date: 2002
Publication Place: Austin
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 236
Book Condition: New

 Portraits of the Ptolemies
Greek Kings as Egyptian Pharaohs
Paul Edmund Stanwick

About this book
As archaeologists recover the lost treasures of Alexandria, the modern world is marveling at the latter-day glory of ancient Egypt and the Greeks who ruled it from the ascension of Ptolemy I in 306 B.C. to the death of Cleopatra the Great in 30 B.C. The abundance and magnificence of royal sculptures from this period testify to the power of the Ptolemaic dynasty and its influence on Egyptian artistic traditions that even then were more than two thousand years old. In this book, Paul Edmund Stanwick undertakes the first complete study of Egyptian-style portraits of the Ptolemies. Examining one hundred and fifty sculptures from the vantage points of literary evidence, archaeology, history, religion, and stylistic development, he fully explores how they meld Egyptian and Greek cultural traditions and evoke surrounding social developments and political events. To do this, he develops a "visual vocabulary" for reading royal portraiture and discusses how the portraits helped legitimate the Ptolemies and advance their ideology. Stanwick also sheds new light on the chronology of the sculptures, giving dates to many previously undated ones and showing that others belong outside the Ptolemaic period.





Definitions and Conventions

Dynastic Chronology

Chapter 1: A Unique Vantage Point

Chapter 2: The Priestly Decrees

Chapter 3: ??Conspicuous?? and Other Places

Chapter 4: A Visual Vocabulary

Chapter 5: Ideology and the Royal Visage

Chapter 6: Chronology

Chapter 7: Powerful Traditions, New Dynamics

Chapter 8: A Generation of Innovators

Appendix A: Sculptors? Studies or Votives?

Appendix B: Questionable Sculptures







  Already viewed

Portraits of the Ptolemies : Greek Kings as Egyptian Pharaohs

by: Stanwick, P.E.

  • ISBN-13: 9780292777729 / 978-0-292-77772-9
  • ISBN-03: 0292777728 / 0-292-77772-8
  • University of Texas Press, Austin, 2002

Price: 92,00 EURO

1 copy in stock