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Hellenistic and Roman Terracottas from Egypt: Monumenta Antiquitatis extra Fines Hungariae Reperta. Vol. IV

by: Torok, L.

Price: 286,00 EURO

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Category: Bibliotheca Archaeologica
Code: 4752
ISBN-13: 9788870629095 / 978-88-7062-909-5
ISBN-10: 8870629090 / 88-7062-909-0
Publisher: L'Erma di Bretschneider
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Roma
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 202
Book Condition: New
Comments: Bibliotheca Archaeologica, 15

Hellenistic and Roman Terracottas from Egypt.
Monumenta Antiquitatis extra Fines Hungariae Reperta. Vol. 4.
Torok Laszlo

Year: 1995
Bibliotheca Archaeologica, 15
Monumenta Antiquitatis Hungarica, 4
ISBN: 978-88-7062-909-5
Binding: Rilegato con sovraccoperta
Pages: 202, 173 tav. f.t
Size: 22 x 29 cm

La catalogazione di tutti gli oggetti in terracotta egiziani di epoca ellenistica e romana conservati nel Museum of Fine Arts di Budapest. La presentazione dei singoli pezzi comprende un' ampia discussione sulla loro cronologia relativa e sulla loro iconografia. Trattandosi infatti per la maggior parte di materiale di cui non si conosce la provenienza, è stato possibile proporre una datazione quasi esclusivamente sulla base di un' accurata analisi stilistica.

The catalogue of all the Egyptian terracotta objects of the Hellenistic and Roman periods in the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. The presentation of the individual pieces includes a full discussion of their relative chronology and their iconography. Since the material is mostly of unknown provenance, it has been possible to propose a dating almost exclusively on the basis of careful stylistic analysis.

Preface - Abbreviations - Introduction - I. Deities No. 1-132 - II. Types of classical mythology No. 133-141 - III. Cult No. 142-168 - IV. Personal piety N. 169-212 - V. Genre, theatre and grotesquerie No. 213-263 - VI. Animals No. 264-286 - VII. Lanterns No. 287-291 - VIII. Varia No. 292-321 - IX. Imports No. 322-324 - Appendix I. A list of the terracottas in the Collection Castiglione-Varga, Budapest - Appendix II. A list of the terracottas in the Collection Kàkosy, Budapest - Appendix III. Lost pieces - Concordance I. Museum of Fine Arts objects by Inventory number - Concordance II. Debrecen, Déri Museum objects by Inventory number - Concordance III. Budapest, private collection - Plates.

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Hellenistic and Roman Terracottas from Egypt: Monumenta Antiquitatis extra Fines Hungariae Reperta. Vol. IV

by: Torok, L.

  • ISBN-13: 9788870629095 / 978-88-7062-909-5
  • ISBN-03: 8870629090 / 88-7062-909-0
  • L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma, 1995

Price: 286,00 EURO

1 copy in stock