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Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Seneca

by: Fitch, J.G.

Price: 69,00 EURO

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Category: Oxford Readings in Classical Studies
Code: 5122
ISBN-13: 9780199282098 / 978-0-19-928209-8
ISBN-10: 0199282099 / 0-19-928209-9
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2008
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Paper
Pages: 438
Book Condition: New

Edited by John G. Fitch
Oxford Readings in Classical Studies
A collection of the very best essays about Seneca written over the past forty years
Represents the diversity of approaches by which recent critics have attempted to understand this multifaceted figure
New introduction locates the essays in the context of current trends in academic criticism and research

Seneca was a man of many facets: statesman, dramatist, philosopher, prose stylist. His life was marked by extremes of fortune - extremes that are reflected in much of his writing, and in the vicissitudes of his reputation in later centuries. This volume brings together some outstanding essays written about him over the past four decades, and illustrates the diversity of approaches by which modern critics have attempted to understand this multifaceted figure. Just as Seneca's writings often reflect his times, so current critical approaches often reflect issues in contemporary thought and society. Several of the essays have been revised by their authors for this volume, and two of them are translated for the first time. A new introduction places the articles within the context of recent academic thought and criticism. All Latin has been translated.

Table of Contents
1:Imago Vitae Suae, Miriam T. Griffin
2:Seneca's Epistles to Lucilius: A Revaluation, Marcus Wilson
3:Self-scrutiny and Self-transformation in Seneca's Letters, Catharine Edwards
4:Imagination and Meditation in Seneca: The Example of Praemeditatio, Mireille Armisen-Marchetti
5:The Will in Seneca the Younger, Brad Inwood
6:Boundary Violation and the Landscape of the Self in Senecan Tragedy, Charles Segal
7:Construction of the Self in Senecan Drama, John G. Fitch & Siobhan McElduff
8:Senecan Tragedy: Back on Stage?, Patrick Kragelund
9:Staging Seneca: The Production of Troas as a Philological Experiment, Wilfried Stroh
10:Seneca's Oedipus: The Drama in the Word, Donald J. Mastronarde
11:Seneca's Thyestes: The Tragedy with no Women?, Cedric Littlewood
12:The Implied Reader and the Political Argument in Seneca's Apocolocyntosis and De Clementia, Eleanor Winsor Leach
13:Roman Historical Exempla in Seneca, Roland G. Mayer
14:In umbra virtutis. Gloria in the Thought of Seneca the Philosopher, Robert J. Newman
15:Seneca and Slavery, K. R. Bradley
16:The Dating of Seneca's Tragedies, with Special Reference to Thyestes, R. G. M. Nisbet
17:Virgil's Dido and Seneca's Tragic Heroines, Elaine Fantham
18:Seneca and Renaissance Drama: Ideology and Meaning, A. J. Boyle

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Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Seneca

by: Fitch, J.G.

  • ISBN-13: 9780199282098 / 978-0-19-928209-8
  • ISBN-03: 0199282099 / 0-19-928209-9
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008

Price: 69,00 EURO

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