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The Politics of Aristotle : Volumes I-II-III-IV

by: Newman, W.L.

Price: 345,00 EURO

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Category: Greek Texts / Apparatus Criticus / Commentary
Code: 5579
ISBN-13: 9780199241798 / 978-0-19-924179-8
ISBN-10: 0199241791 / 0-19-924179-1
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 2552
Book Condition: New
Comments: Out of Print, 4 Vols. Set.

Politics of Aristotle

With an Introduction, Two Prefatory Essays and Notes Critical and Explanatory

Editor: W. L. Newman

William L. Newman (1834–1923) published his reconstruction of the Greek text of Aristotle's Politics between 1887 and 1902. Divided into four volumes, it includes a detailed commentary, critical notes and essays. Newman's reconstructed text is based on the edition of Susemihl (1872) and his own fresh collations of a number of important Greek manuscripts. Newman's cautious text, always supported by extensive manuscript evidence, was widely regarded as an improvement on Bekker's more conjectural 1837 text. Newman's detailed commentary was highly praised and has been used for over a century by students of Politics. As a scholar and pedagogue, he had a significant impact on nineteenth-century classical studies. His four-volume edition of the Politics stands as a monument of Victorian scholarship and will continue to be read and studied by scholars and students of Aristotle.

Table of Contents
Volume 1: Preface
Introduction to the Politics
Appendixes. Volume 2: The Politics of Aristotle
On the manuscripts of the Politics and the Latin translation of William of Moerbeke
Text of Book I
Text of Book II
Critical notes
Notes to Book I
Notes to Book II
Appendixes. Volume 3: On the manuscripts of the Politics and the Latin translation of William of Moerbeke
On the contents of the third, fourth (seventh), and fifth (eighth) books
Text of Book III
Text of Book IV (VII)
Text of Book V (VIII)
Critical notes
Notes to Book III
Notes to Book IV (VII)
Notes to Book V (VIII)
Appendixes. Volume 4: The constitutions dealt with by Aristotle in the Politics
Text of Book VI (IV)
Text of Book VII (V)
Text of Book VIII (VI)
Critical notes
Notes to Book VI (IV)
Preliminary remarks on Book VII (V)
Notes to Book VII (V)
Notes to Book VIII (VI)


v. 1. Introduction to the politics

v. 2. Prefatory essays, Books I and II
text and notes

v. 3. Two essays, Books III, IV, and V
text and notes

v. 4. Essay on constitutions, Books VI-VIII
text and notes


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The Politics of Aristotle : Volumes I-II-III-IV

by: Newman, W.L.

  • ISBN-13: 9780199241798 / 978-0-19-924179-8
  • ISBN-03: 0199241791 / 0-19-924179-1
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000

Price: 345,00 EURO

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