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Gender in Ancient Cyprus : Narratives of Social Change on a Mediterranean Island

by: Bolger, D.

Price: 54,00 EURO

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Category: Minoan / Mycenaean / Aegean / Mediterranean Bronze Age
Code: 8622
ISBN-13: 9780759104303 / 978-0-7591-0430-3
ISBN-10: 0759104301 / 0-7591-0430-1
Publisher: Altamira Press
Publication Date: 2003
Publication Place: Walnut Greek
Binding: Paper
Pages: 268
Book Condition: New

Gender in ancient Cyprus : narratives of social change on a Mediterranean island

Author:Diane Bolger

Summary:Archaeological research of the Near East lags behind other regions in its consideration of gender-related issues in its treatment of the past. Diane Bolger's present work contributes to the nascent research that aims to fill this gap. Gender in Ancient Cyprus examines some of the fundamental facets of gender as they intersect with the dynamics of social, political, and economic change in Cyprus, beginning with the earliest traces of human habitation on the island to the final phases of the Bronze Age. The book closely analyzes gender as it relates to the domestic space, technology and labor, ritual and social identity, and the roles of children, as well as the practices of modern day Near Eastern archaeology and the roles of women in it. Parallels are drawn to more developed cases elsewhere in the world. This volume is important for scholars and students interested in gender-sensitive interpretations of the archaeological record and in the ways that gender reshapes its present practices

Gender and archaeology series, v. 6

Facing the Cypriot past
Setting the scene : gender and domestic space
Working actors : gender, technology and labor
Performing gender : figurines, ritual and social identity
Invisible characters : children and adolescents
Endings : gender and mortuary ritual
Denouement : themes and threads
Epilogue : Cypriot archaeology, who tells the story?
Cypriot prehistory : a brief overview
Gazetteer of major prehistoric sites in Cyprus

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Gender in Ancient Cyprus : Narratives of Social Change on a Mediterranean Island

by: Bolger, D.

  • ISBN-13: 9780759104303 / 978-0-7591-0430-3
  • ISBN-03: 0759104301 / 0-7591-0430-1
  • Altamira Press, Walnut Greek, 2003

Price: 54,00 EURO

1 copy in stock