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Striking new images : Roman imperial coinage and the New Testament world

by: Kreitzer, L.J.

Price: 59,00 EURO

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Category: Journal for the study of the New Testament
Code: 15341
ISBN-13: 9781850756231 / 978-1-85075-623-1
ISBN-10: 1850756236 / 1-85075-623-6
Publisher: Sheffield Academic Press
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Sheffield
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 258
Book Condition: New
Comments: Journal for the study of the New Testament., Supplement series ;, 134 / 258 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

pt. 1: Propaganda in the Julio-Claudian age
Legionary Aquilae as military image: the background to Matthew 24.28/Luke 17.37
The apotheosis of the Roman Emperor
pt. 2: The world of Paul the Apostle
A numismatic clue to Acts 19.23-41: the Ephesian cistophori of Claudius and Agrippina
Nero's Rome: images of the city on imperial coinage
Roman triumph imagery in the Pauline letters: the background of 2 Corinthians 2.14-16 and Colossians 2.15
pt. 3: The travels of Hadrian
The wandering emperor
Hadrian and the Nero redivivus myth
The Roman imperial adventus coinage of Hadrian and the parousia of Christ

Bibel Neues Testament
Bible New Testament. Actes des Apôtres. XIX, 23-41 Critique, interprétation, etc
Bible New Testament. Colossiens. II, 15 Critique, interprétation, etc
Bible New Testament. Corinthiens, 2e. II, 14-16 Critique, interprétation, etc
Bible New Testament. Luc. XVII, 37 Critique, interprétation, etc
Bible New Testament. Matthieu. XXIV, 28 Critique, interprétation, etc
Bible. New Testament Criticism, interpretation, etc
Christianisme Relations Religion romaine
Coinage Religious aspects Christianity
Coins Religious aspects Christianity
Coins in the Bible
Coins, Roman
Empereurs Rome Aspect religieux Christianisme Enseignement biblique
Emperors Rome Religious aspects Christianity Biblical teaching
Monnaies Aspect religieux Christianisme
Monnaies dans la Bible
Monnaies romaines
Rome (Empire)
Rome History
Romeinse republiek
Römisches Recht

Journal for the study of the New Testament, 134

258 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.


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