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Vestigia Leonis : Studien zur antiken Numismatik Israels, Palastinas und der ostlichen Mittelmeerwelt

by: Mildenberg, L. Hubner, U. Knauf, E.A.

Price: 136,46 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Numismatics
Code: 15389
ISBN-13: 9783727811555 / 9783525539071
ISBN-10: 3727811552 / 352553907X
Publisher: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Gottingen
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 398
Book Condition: New
Comments: Novum Testamentum et orbis antiquus, 36. / xxi, 398 p. : ill. (one col.) ; 24 cm. / A collection of previously published essays by Leo Mildenberg issued for the occasion of his 85th birthday

I. Münzprägungen innerhalb der achämenidischen Satrapie Transeuphratesien
II. Griechische, kleinasiatische und punische Münzprägungen
III. Münzen der jüdischen Aufstände gegen die Römer
IV> Methodisches

A collection of previously published essays by Leo Mildenberg issued for the occasion of his 85th birthday

Chiefly in English and German; includes one essay in French; two essays in English have a summary in French

Coins, Ancient Israel
Jewish numismatics
Middle East
Middle East Palestine
Mildenberg, Leo
Numismatics, Ancient
Numismatics, Ancient Middle East
Numismatics, Ancient Palestine
Numismatique antique Méditerranée (région ; est)
Numismatique antique Palestine
Numismatique juive

Novum Testamentum et orbis antiquus, 36

xxi, 398 pages : illustrations (1 color) ; 24 cm.


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Vestigia Leonis : Studien zur antiken Numismatik Israels, Palastinas und der ostlichen Mittelmeerwelt

by: Mildenberg, L. Hubner, U. Knauf, E.A.

  • ISBN-13: 9783727811555 / 9783525539071
  • ISBN-03: 3727811552 / 352553907X
  • Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gottingen, 1998

Price: 136,46 EURO

1 copy in stock