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Onomatologos : studies in Greek personal names presented to Elaine Matthews

by: Catling, R.W.V. Marchand, F.

Price: 89,00 EURO

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Category: Epigraphy / Greek Linguistics / Early Greek Languages
Code: 15677
ISBN-13: 9781842179826 / 978-1-84217-982-6
ISBN-10: 1842179829 / 1-84217-982-9
Publisher: Oxbow Books
Publication Date: 2010
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 681
Book Condition: New
Comments: xxxii, 681 p. : ill., maps ; 26 cm. / Essays in English, French, German, and Italian. / with the assistance of M. Sasanow

 Onomatologos : studies in Greek personal names presented to Elaine Matthews
Authors:E. Matthews, R. W. V. Catling, F. Marchand, M. Sasanow

Summary:Onomatologos is a term used in later antiquity to describe eminent lexicographers such as Hesychius and Pollux as `collectors of words', but here it is used as the title for a major volume of papers prepared in honour of Elaine Matthews, recently retired long-serving editor of the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (LGPN): a `collector of names'


xxxii, 681 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm

Forward Editorial notes General Abbreviations About the contributors 1. Elaine Matthews: an appreciation (Alan Bowman, Oxford) Aegean Islands 2. Simonides of Eretria (Redivivus?) (Ewen Bowie, Oxford) 3. Phaistos Sybritas. An unpublished inscription from the Idaean Cave and personal names deriving from ethnics (Angelos Chaniotis, Oxford) 4. L?apport des mémoriaux de Claros á l?onomastique de Chios (Jean-Louis Ferrary, Paris) 5. Carian names and Crete (with an Appendix by N. V. Sekunda) (Richard Hichman, Oxford) 6. Ménédème de Pyrrha, proxène de Delphes: contribution épigraphique á l?historie d?un philosophe et de sa citè(Denis Knoepfler, Neuchâtel and Paris) Cyprus 7. Lykophron?s Alexandra and the Cypriote name Praxandros (Simon Hornblower, London) Cyrenaica 8. Sur quelques noms nouvaux de Cyrénaïque (Catherine Dobias-Lalou, Dijon) 9. A catalogue of officials of an association (?) in a newly discovered inscription from Ptolemais in Cyrenaica (Adam Lajtar, Warsaw) 10. A new inscription from Ptolemais in Libya (Joyce Reynolds, Cambridge) Athens 11. Some people in third-century Athenian decrees (Sean G. Byrne, Melbourne) 12. Revising Athenian Propertied Families: progress and problems (John Davis, Liverpool) 13. LGPN and the epigraphy and history of Attica (S. D. Lambert, Cardiff) 14. A new edition of IG II 2391. Exiles from Ionia? (Angelos P. Mattaiou, Athens) 15. Foreign names, inter-marriage and citizenship in Hellenistic Athens (Graham Oliver, Liverpool) 16. Sarapion, son of Sarapion, of Melite – an inadvertent chronographer (Michael Osborne, Melbourne) Peloponnese 17. La famiglia di Damonikos di Messene (D. Baldassarra, Venice) 18. ?Becoming Roman?: á propos de deux gènèrations parentes de néo-citoyens romain á Sparte et á Athénes (J.-S. Balzat, Athens and Oxford, and A. J. S. Spawforth, Newcastle) 19. Sparta?s friends at Ephesos. The onomastic evidence (R. W. V. Catling, Oxford) 20. New Personal names from Argos (Charalambos B. Kritzas, Athens) 21. Corinthians in exile 146-44 BC (B. Millis, Athens and Leicester) 22. IG V (1) 229 revisited (Heikki Solin, Helsinki) 23. The Peloponnesian officials responsible for the second-century BC bronze coinage of the Achaian koinon (J. A. W. Warren, London) Magna Graecia and Sicily 24. Nomi femminili nella Sicilia di lingua ed epoca greca (Federica Cordano, Milan) 25. Onomastics and the administration of Italia/ vìteliú? (Michael H. Crawford, London) 26. Lamina bronzea iscritta da Leontinoi: Note omomastiche (Maria Letizia Lazzarini, Rome) 27. Soprannomi nella Sicillia ellenistica: ossevazioni e aggiunte (Giacomo Maganora, Catonia) Dalmatia 28. Greek personal names in Latin Dalmatia (John Wilkes, Oxford) Central Greece 29. Tunnicha. Per Elaine: un ?piccolo? contributo (C. Antonetti. D. Baldassarra, E. Cavalli and F. Crema, Venice) 30. Remarques sur l?omoastique des cites de la Tripolis de Perrhébie (Jean-Claude Decourt, Lyon) 31. Zum Problem thessalischer Phratrien (Christian Habicht, Princeton) 32. The Philppeis of IG VII 2433 (Fabienne Marchand, Oxford) 33. Kaineus (N. V. Sekunda, Gdansk) Macedonia 34. Échantillons onomastiques de l?arrière-pays macédonien au IIIe siècle av. J.-C. (M. B. Hatzopoulos, Athens) Black Sea and Thrace 35. Sur quelques noms d? Apollonia du Pont (Alexandru Avram, Le Mans) 36. Teutaros, the Scythian teacher of Herakles (David Braund, Exeter) 37. La préhistorie du nom de Saint Sébastien: onomastiques en contact (Dan Dana, Rouen) 38. Des anthroponymes en ous?? (Laurent Dubois, Paris) 39. New lead plaques with Greek inscriptions from East Crimea (Bosporos) (Sergey Saprykin and Kikolai Fedoseev, Moscow) Asia Minor 40. Asalatos at Kyme in Aiolis (R. H. J. Ashton, London and N. V. Sekunda, Gdansk) 41. Adrastos at Aphrodisias (R. van Bremen, London) 42. Names in Ianos in Asia Minor. A preliminary study (Thomas Corsten, Oxford and Vienna) 43. CIG 2017: a phantom Thracian name and a false Corcyraean provenance (Charles V. Crowther, Oxford) 44. Trading Families? (Alan W. Johnston, London) 45. The Coinage of Leukai (Phillip Kinns, Newbury) 46. An onomastic survey of the indigenous population of north-western Asia Minor (Pinar Özken-Aytaçlar, Izmir) 47. A new inscription from the Cayster valley and the question of supernomina in Hellenistic and Roman Lydia (Marijana Ricl, Belgrade) 48. Greiechische Personennamen in Lykein. Einige Fallstudien (Christof Schuler, Munich) Near East 49. Bishops and their Sees at the Sixth Session of the Council of Chalkedon: the Near Eastern provinces (Fegus Milar, Oxford) 50. An unnoticed Macedonian name from Dura Europos (Argyro B. Tataki, Athens) General Studies 51. Onomastics and law. Dike and –dike names (Ilias N. Arnaoutoglou, Athens) 52. Four Intriguing names (Jaime Curbera, Berlin) 53. Omomastics research then and now: an example from the Greek novel (Nikoletta Kanavou, Athens) 54. The Roman calendar and its diffusion in the Greco-Roman East: The evidence of the personal name Kaladion (Pantelis M. Nigdelis, Thessaloniki) 55. Eropythos: Une pousse printanière pour Elaine Matthews? (Jacques Oulhen, Rennes) Index 1: Index of personal names Index 2. General Index


Essays in English, French, German, and Italian

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Onomatologos : studies in Greek personal names presented to Elaine Matthews

by: Catling, R.W.V. Marchand, F.

  • ISBN-13: 9781842179826 / 978-1-84217-982-6
  • ISBN-03: 1842179829 / 1-84217-982-9
  • Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2010

Price: 89,00 EURO

1 copy in stock