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Context and Meaning : Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference of the Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique, Athens, September 16-20, 2013

by: Mols, S.T.A.M. Moormann, E.M.

Category: BABESCH Supplements
Code: 23603
ISBN-13: 9789042935297 / 978-90-429-3529-7
ISBN-10: 9042935294 / 90-429-3529-4
Publisher: Peeters
Publication Date: 2017
Publication Place: Leuven
Binding: Paper
Book Condition: New
Comments: Babesch Supplement, 31

This volumes contains 81 contributions on ancient wall painting presented in the form of papers and posters during the twelfth triennial meeting of the Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique (AIPMA) held at Athens from September 16 through September 20, 2013. 120 participants were guests of Radboud University Nijmegen and the École Française d?Athènes, in collaboration with the Netherlands Institute at Athens, and the National Hellenic Research Foundation.

In recent decades there has been a growing interest among researchers in the analysis of paintings in terms of their context rather than as expressions of art in and for itself. Therefore the conference focused on figural themes, and to the iconographical and iconological problems of paintings considered in relation to their specific contexts. Which messages images in wall painting, from the archaic to the late-antique period (ca 700 BC-AD 500) conveyed to contemporary viewers in specific contexts and how were they received?

Many contributions in this volume zoom in on the rationale behind the use of specific motifs in wall paintings, the syntax of decorative systems in particular contexts, as well as specific fashions in the use of figural themes in determined areas or sites in the ancient world. Within the series of BABESCH supplements, this book is a sequel to the third one of 1993 which contains the proceedings of the fifth AIPMA conference in Amsterdam.

The two editors have carried out extensive research in the field of ancient mural decorations, especially in the context of Roman houses, villas, and temples, and were members of subsequent AIPMA boards. While Eric Moormann was responsible for the organisation of the Amsterdam colloquium in 1992, Stephan Mols organised the Athens conference in 2013, the proceedings of which are presented in this BABESCH supplement. Both Mols and Moormann are members of the Institute for Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Arts of Radboud University at Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Preface XI
Key Note Lectures
Olga Palagia
Highlights of Greek Figural Wall Paintings 3
Hariclia Brecoulaki & Giorgios Kavvadias & Vasiliki Kantarelou & J. Stephens & A.
Colour and Painting Technique on the Archaic Panels from Pitsa, Corinthia 15
Text, Site and Context
Nicole Blanc & Hélène Eristov
Textes et contextes: archéologie et philologie du décor 27
Francesca Ghedini & Isabella Colpo
Ovidio come fonte per la conoscenza dell?arte antica 33
Giulia Salvo
Forme di collezionismo privato? Riflessioni in merito ad alcuni ambienti pompeiani 39
Françoise Gury
Pour une approche globale des programmes décoratifs 47
Monica Salvadori & Norbert Zimmermann
Roman Funerary Painting: From ?Telling Stories? to ?Recounting History? 55
Julia Valeva
L?image sur les murs des domus de l?Antiquité tardive: contexte et système décoratif 63
Verena Fugger
The Meaning of Christian Figural Wall Painting in the Context of
Late Antique Burial Chambers 69
Gaëlle Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard
La mise en espace d?un programme iconographique au début du Ve
le témoignage de Paulin de Nole sur les fresques bibliques du complexe de saint Félix à
Cimitile/Nola 75
Delphine Burlot & Daniel Roger
Décontextualiser, Recontextualiser: fragments de peinture murale antique en musée 81
Motifs in Ancient Painting
Baptiste Augris
Le corps transporté: À propos des figures en apesanteur dans la peinture pompéienne 89

Alix Barbet
Peintures murales romaines représentant des métiers
Quelle signification, dans quel contexte? 95
Barbara Bianchi
Munera anfiteatrali e venationes negli spazi domestici della Tripolitania romana 103
Francesca Boldrighini
Frescoes from Nemi?s Theatre: A Dressing Room? 107
Stéphanie Derwael
Au coeur des débats
La diffusion des têtes végétalisées dans les décors de «IVe
style» 113
Mario Grimaldi
Alessandro e forme di regalità ellenistica nella pittura romano-campana 119
Anu Kaisa Koponen
Egyptian Motifs in Pompeian Wall Paintings in their Architectural Context 125
Eleanor Winsor Leach
Costume and Context: What Medea Wears 131
Patrick Marko
sub persona risus - Contexts of Painted Masks in Pompeii 137
Jennifer Muslin
Heu me miserum! The Rhetoric of Misericordia in Roman Depictions of the Fall of Troy 143
Sylvain Perrot
Remettre en contexte la scène musicale sur la peinture murale grecque 149
Vanessa Rousseau
Ornament and Surface Acceptance in Late Antique Wall Painting 153
Anna Santucci
Strutture sacre ipetre a pianta circolare: architetture reali, architetture rappresentate 157

Guy Ackermann & Yves Dubois
Fragments d?Érétrie: contextes et répartition des enduits ornementaux
siècle a. - IIe
siècle ap. J.-C.) 165
Lydia Avlonitou
A Contribution to the Study of the Wall Paintings Found in the Funerary Monuments of Ancient
Macedonia 173
Angela Pencheva
An Interpretation of the ?Wreath? in the Context of the Hellenistic Macedonian and Thracian
Funerary Mural Painting 179
Maria Tsimbidou-Avlonitou
An Unknown Painted Monument in Hellenistic Thessaloniki 185
Katerina Tzanavari
Le décor mural de la tombe à ciste I de Dervéni, à l?ancienne Létè
Première approche interprétative 193
Monica Baggio & Veronica Zagolin
Espedienti illusionistici per una relazione fra parete e oggetto nella pittura funeraria ellenistica 199
Nikolaos A. Vavlekas
Roman Wall Paintings from Eleusis 207

Turkey, the Near East, and North Africa
Barbara Tober
The Hierarchy of Late Hellenistic Wall Decoration in Ephesos 215
Claude Vibert-Guigue
La koinè étendue aux aménagements rupestres peints et stuqués de Beida (Petra) 221
Silvia Rozenberg
Between Alexandria and Rome 229
Talila Michaeli
A Painted Tomb in the Upper Galilee and the Meaning of its Pictorial Program 237
Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets
Peintures funéraires à Alexandrie: nouvelles recherches et interprétations 243
Anna Santucci
Cirene N258: ?Tomba dei Sempronii?
Nuove testimonianze di pittura parietale 249
Anna Santucci
Considerazioni su uso e funzioni nelle tombe di Cirene 253
Roman Italy
Dora D?Auria
Immagini allusive a vittorie militari in ambito domestico nel II secolo a.C. 259
Dorothée Neyme
Peinture à fresque d?une tombe à inhumation de la nécropole romaine de Cumes (Italie) 265
Riccardo Helg & Angelalea Malgieri
Colours of the Street: Form and Meaning of Facade Paintings at Pompeii and Herculaneum 271
Riccardo Helg & Angelalea Malgieri & Chiara Pascucci
Le pitture del settore termale della Casa dell'Albergo a Ercolano: osservazioni preliminari 277
Alexandra Dardenay
Decoration in Context
Decorative Programs in Buildings from Insula V at Herculaneum 283
Susanne van de Liefvoort
The Power of Painting
Evocation and Authenticity in Roman Domestic Decoration 291
Margherita Carucci
Painting in Contexts: Modes of Visual Responses in the House of Marine Venus at Pompeii 295

Paolo Baronio
La percezione degli spazi e delle decorazioni parietali nell?edilizia residenziale a Pompei
L?esempio della Casa del Centenario (IX 8, 3-6) 301
John R. Clarke
The Three Contexts Provided by the Oplontis 3D Model
Real-Time Viewing, Database Exploration, and Reconstruction 307

Agnes Allroggen-Bedel
Context and Meaning: the So-Called Flora from Castellammare di Stabia and her Three
Counterparts 315
Raffaella Federico
Raffigurazioni pittoriche e loro significati contestuali in alcune ville vesuviane 323
Margherita Bedello Tata & Stella Falzone
Stucchi e affreschi da una villa dell?Ager Laurentinus 329
Stella Falzone
Pittura parietale di Ostia (I secolo a.C./I secolo d.C.): i contesti domestici 335
Chiara Conte & Domenica Dininno & Stella Falzone & Raffaele Lazzaro & Paolo Tomassini
Contesti di pittura inediti della tarda epoca repubblicana e della prima età imperiale,
conservati nei Depositi di Ostia 343
Martina Marano
Affreschi di IV stile pompeiano provenienti dallo scavo del Caseggiato dei Lottatori
ad Ostia (V, iii, 1) 349
Massimiliano David & Angelo Pellegrino & Stefano De Togni & Gian Piero Milani &
Carlo Molle & Marcello Turci
Pitture e graffiti murali della prima età imperiale del quartiere fuori Porta Marina di Ostia 355
Margherita Bedello Tata
La tomba 33 e il dipinto di Orfeo agli Inferi nel contesto della necropoli laurentina 363
Arnaud Coutelas & Stephan T.A.M. Mols & Delphine Burlot & Daniel Roger
Farnesina Paintings in the Louvre?
Stylistic and Archaeometric Analysis of Some Paintings from the Campana Collection 369
Stefano Tortorella
L?ipogeo di via Livenza a Roma
Il contesto, gli affreschi, il mosaico 375
Mathilde Carrive
Le marbre et ses imitations dans les maisons d?Italie centrale et septentrionale
au IIe
siècle ap. J.-C.: statut et signification 381
Ilaria Benetti
Nuove acquisizioni dall?Etruria costiera: le pitture dei balnea della villa di Poggio del Molino
a Populonia (Livorno) 387
Carla Pagani & Elena Mariani
Nuovi dati sulla pittura di I stile dalle recenti indagini nell?area del santuario di Minerva
sul Monte Castelon di Marano di Valpolicella (VR) 395
Barbara Bianchi
Tematiche figurative nella decorazione della villa delle grotte di Catullo a Sirmione: la pittura
di paesaggio 401
Roberto Bugini & Luisa Folli & Elena Mariani & Carla Pagani
Pigment Composition and Applying Methods in Roman Wall Painting of Lombardy (2nd Century
BCE-4th Century CE) 405

Fernanda Cavari & Fulvia Donati
L?uso dell?argilla nella pittura murale romana: nuove considerazioni 411
Martina Marano
Intonaci dipinti dal complesso archeologico del Barco Borghese (Monte Porzio Catone-RM):
nota preliminare 417
Filiberto Chiabrando & Federica Fontana & Emanuela Murgia & Antonia T. Spanò
3D Models from Reality Based Survey Techniques: The Domus of ?Putti danzanti? in Aquileia 423
Nicoletta De Nicolo
Frammenti di pittura parietale dalla Casa delle Bestie Ferite ad Aquileia 429
Emanuela Murgia & Marco Zerbinatti
Draw-up Techniques for Painted Plasters in Aquileia
A Preliminary Analysis 435
Alessandra Didoné
Gli intonaci della basilica teodoriana di Aquileia (UD)
Una rilettura alla luce dei nuovi dati 439
Europe Outside Greece and Italy
Sabine Groetembril & Clotilde Allonsius & Lucie Lemoigne
De la scène figurée à l?enduit architectural. Choix et critères ornementaux des divers espaces
de deux vastes domus au cœur de la cité des Tongres (Belgique) 447
Julien Boislève
La répresentation de Vénus dans les absides et exèdres en Gaule romaine 455
Julien Boislève
Les stucs figurés en Gaule 465
Lara Íñiguez Berrozpe
Virtus in Bilbilis (Calatayud, Zaragoza, España) 471

Carmen Guiral Pelegrín & Lara Íñiguez Berrozpe & Manuel Martín-Bueno &
Carlos Sáenz Preciado
A New Sample of Republican Decoration in the Ebro Valley (Spain): The Valdeherrera ceiling 477
Michel E. Fuchs
La peinture d?Echzell: un programme commodien pour une chambre d?officier 483
Renate Thomas
Die römischen Wandmalereifunde vom Offenbachplatz in Köln 489
Renate Thomas
Zur Bedeutung der dionysischen und apollinischen Ikonographie in der römischen
Wandmalerei in der Provinz 493
Diana Busse
Wandmalereifunde aus der gallo-römischen Villenanlage von Reinheim (Deutschland) 501
Barbara Tober
Old Finds Newly Recovered: Wall Paintings from the Roman Province of Noricum 505
Ines Dörfler
Auf der Suche nach dem Kontext
Der Iphigenie-Komplex vom Magdalensberg 509
Jelena Anđelković Grašar & Emilija Nikolić & Dragana Rogić
Pictorial Elements and Principles in the Creation of Context and Meaning of the Ancient Image
Using the Example of Viminacium Funerary Paintings 515
Eszter Harsányi & Zsófia Kurovszky
Wall Paintings of the Early Iseum of Savaria, Pannonia 523


  Already viewed

Context and Meaning : Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference of the Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique, Athens, September 16-20, 2013

by: Mols, S.T.A.M. Moormann, E.M.

  • ISBN-13: 9789042935297 / 978-90-429-3529-7
  • ISBN-03: 9042935294 / 90-429-3529-4
  • Peeters, Leuven, 2017