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Athenian Potters and Painters Volume II

by: Oakley, J.H. Palagia, O.

Price: 59,00 EURO

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Category: Greek Pottery – Painting – Terracottas
Code: 23801
ISBN-13: 9781789250596 / 978-1-78925-059-6
ISBN-10: 1789250595 / 1-78925-059-5
Publisher: Oxbow Books
Publication Date: 2018
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Paper
Pages: 327
Book Condition: New
Comments: First Published in 2009

This volume presents the proceedings of the second Athenian Potters and Painters conference, which was held at the American School of Classical Studies, Athens 2007. Together with the 1994 conference (Volume I, Oxbow 1997), these are the first of their kind - focusing purely on Athenian pottery and addressing key aspects of its study. The thirty-two papers contained here are the result not only of a large amount of new material but also the dynamic appearance of a younger generation of scholars dealing with the subject. Subject areas range from the study of the potters and painters themselves, to shape, subject matter, chronology, export, excavation pottery, context, and the influence of Athenian vases on pottery from other regions of the Mediterranean and vice versa. Three papers in Greek.

New light on the earliest Attic black-figure drinking cups, Herman A.G. Brijder; "Attic vases, Etruscan stories" - les echanges et le hommes, N. Malagardis; Eleusis in Athenian vase-painting, E. Simon; le peintre des demi-palmettes, F. Lissarrague; der Augen-Sirenen-Maler, J. Burrow; the Bosanquet painter, J. Oakley; boy meets girl - an iconogrpahic encounter, J. Boardman; aspects of nuptial and genre imagery in fifth-century Athens, V. Sabetai; the Pisticci painter, M. Denoyelle; Athenian black-figure, A. Lemos; ceramica attica a fondo bianco da populonia, A. Romualdi.

800 av. J.-C.-323 av. J.-C
Ateliers de céramistes
Athenian painters
Athenian potters
Athènes (Grèce, ville)
Céramique grecque attique
Époque archaïque (Grèce antique ; 800 av. J.-C.-500 av. J.-C.)
Époque classique (Grèce antique ; 499 av. J.-C.-323 av. J.-C.)
Konferenzschrift Athen 1994
Konferenzschrift Athen 2007
Konferenzschrift Williamsburg, Va. 2012
Vase attische Kongressbericht
[Actes de congrès]

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Athenian Potters and Painters Volume II

by: Oakley, J.H. Palagia, O.

  • ISBN-13: 9781789250596 / 978-1-78925-059-6
  • ISBN-03: 1789250595 / 1-78925-059-5
  • Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2018

Price: 59,00 EURO

(in stock)