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Human Mobility and Technological Transfer in the Prehistoric Mediterranean

by: Kiriatzi, E. Knappett, C.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 27266
ISBN-13: 9781316509043 / 978-1-316-50904-3
ISBN-10: 1316509044 / 1-316-50904-4
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 2021
Publication Place: Cambridge
Binding: Paper
Pages: 278
Book Condition: New
Comments: First Published 2016

The diverse forms of regional connectivity in the ancient world have recently become an important focus for those interested in the deep history of globalisation. This volume represents a significant contribution to this new trend as it engages thematically with a wide range of connectivities in the later prehistory of the Mediterranean, from the later Neolithic of northern Greece to the Levantine Iron Age, and with diverse forms of materiality, from pottery and metal to stone and glass. With theoretical overviews from leading thinkers in prehistoric mobilities, and commentaries from top specialists in neighbouring domains, the volume integrates detailed case studies within a comparative framework. The result is a thorough treatment of many of the key issues of regional interaction and technological diversity facing archaeologists working across diverse places and periods. As this book presents key case studies for human and technological mobility across the eastern Mediterranean in later prehistory, it will be of interest primarily to Mediterranean archaeologists, though also to historians and anthropologists.

Presents 'deep history' of mobilities, as tracked through technologies
Showcases how archaeology can contribute to much wider questions concerning the roles of mobilities and materialities in globalisation
Leverages rich datasets from the Mediterranean to inform theoretical debates on mobility
Readers will be able to think through mobility with detailed case studies

Table of Contents
1. Technological mobilities: perspectives from the eastern Mediterranean – an introduction C. Knappett and E. Kiriatzi
2. The transmitting sea: a Mediterranean perspective C. Broodbank
3. Changing pottery technology in the later Neolithic in Macedonia, North Greece D. Urem-Kotsou
4. Mobility and Early Bronze Age Aegean metal production M. Georgakopoulou
5. Stonemasons and craft mobility in the Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean A. Bevan and E. Bloxam
6. Towards an understanding of the origin of Late Bronze Age Greek glass A. J. Shortland
7. Mobilities in the Neopalatial southern Aegean: the case of Minoanisation I. Nikolakopoulou and C. Knappett
8. The archaeological signatures of mobility: a technological look at 'Aegeanising' pottery from the northern Levant at the end of the second millennium BCE M.-C. Boileau
9. Mycenaean and Mycenaeanising pottery across the Mediterranean: a multi-scalar approach to technological mobility, transmission and appropriation E. Kiriatzi and S. Andreou
10. Interpreting Bronze Age trade and migration K. Kristiansen
11. Commentary. States and technological mobility: a view from the West E. Blake
12. Commentary. On fluxes, connections, and their archaeological manifestations O. P. Gosselain.

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