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The Greeks and Romans in the Black Sea and the Importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World (7th century BC - 5th century AD): 20 Years on (1997-2017)

by: Tsetskhladze, G.R. Avram, A. Harfrave, J.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 27521
ISBN-13: 9781789697582 / 978-1-78969-758-2
ISBN-10: 1789697581 / 1-78969-758-1
Publisher: Archaeopress
Publication Date: 2021
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Paper
Pages: 751
Book Condition: New
Comments: Proceedins of the Sixth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Constanta - 18-22 September 2017) / Dedicated to Prof. Sir John Boardman to celebrate his exceptional achievements and his 90th birthday

The Greeks and Romans in the Black Sea presents the Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities, dedicated to the 90th birthday of Prof. Sir John Boardman, President of the Congress since its inception. It was held in Constanţa in September 2017 with the same theme as the first of these congresses, which took place just down the coast in Varna 20 years earlier (?the Greeks and Romans in the Black Sea and the importance of the Pontic region for the Graeco-Roman world between the 7th century BC and 5th century AD?), celebrating the work of successive congresses in bringing together scholars and scholarship from Eastern and Western Europe and the extensive progress of ?Black Sea Studies? in the intervening years. Overall, 85 papers were received for publication from authors in Western and Eastern Europe—there is also a full set of the abstracts submitted to the Congress in Appendix 2. As with previous congresses, the work is divided into sections, the largest of which, the fourth, is, following a pattern established with the first congress, devoted to New Excavations and Projects. The opening lectures and various papers in the first sections reflect (on) the ?20 years on? in the title. The vast majority of contributions are in English, a handful each in French and German.

About the Editors
Gocha Tsetskhladze (PhD Moscow, DPhil Oxford) is a classical archaeologist who specialises in ancient Greek colonisation and the archaeology of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Caucasia, Anatolia, and Central and Eastern Europe in the 1st millennium BC. He is the founder and series editor of the publication series Colloquia Antiqua; and founder and editor-in-chief of the journal Ancient West and East. He has organised many international conferences, notably the International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities that he established in 1995. ;

Alexandru Avram has been a professor of ancient Greek history at the University of Le Mans since 2002 after having taught at the University of Bucharest. He is also a fellow of the Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology, Bucharest and, since 2011, has been co-director of the excavations at Istros (Histria). His academic interests include Greek archaeology and amphorology and Greek and Latin epigraphy, in particular from the region of the Black Sea and Asia Minor. ;

James Hargrave has a PhD in Economic History from the University of Durham and a Diploma in Archive Administration from the University of Wales (Aberystwyth). He specialised for 25 years in cataloguing large collections of papers accumulated by dukes, prime ministers, businesses, etc., but his historical interests stretch from antiquity to railway finance and equipment, Central and Eastern Europe, and the British Empire-Commonwealth, including comparisons between colonisations and empires ancient and modern.

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The Greeks and Romans in the Black Sea and the Importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World (7th century BC - 5th century AD): 20 Years on (1997-2017)

by: Tsetskhladze, G.R. Avram, A. Harfrave, J.

  • ISBN-13: 9781789697582 / 978-1-78969-758-2
  • ISBN-03: 1789697581 / 1-78969-758-1
  • Archaeopress, Oxford, 2021