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Roman Statues : Volume I & Volume II

by: Crawford, M.H.

Price: 795,00 EURO

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Category: Ancient Greek Law / Ancient Roman Law
Code: 28456
ISBN-13: 9780900587696 / 978-0-900587-69-6
ISBN-10: 0900587695 / 0-900587-69-5
Publisher: University of London, Institute of Classical Studies
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: London
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 877
Book Condition: New
Comments: 2 Vols. Set. / Out of Print / BICS Supplement 64 / Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies supplement. 64

Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 64; Vol. 877 pages; Replaces the first part of Brun's Fontes Iuris Romani and similar collections. Volume I contains the texts of 39 epigraphically attested statutes, from the Tabula Bembina to the Lex de imperio Vespasiani, some of them published for the first time. Volume II contains 26 texts known from literary sources, from the Twelve Tables to the Lex Iunia Vellaea.


Seals and sealings provide an extremely rich source of evidence for the Aegean Bronze Age. They are truly monuments in miniature, offering insights into art and iconography, craft and technology, social status, administration and more besides. Aegean Seals is the first comprehensive overview of this fascinating subject, tracing the development of seals and sealing practices from the third millennium to the end of the Bronze Age, with particular emphasis on the great palace civilizations of Minoan Crete and Mycenaean Greece. Copiously illustrated, this study combines original research with critical analysis of specialist literature and presents many recent discoveries.

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