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Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Volume 101


Price: 45,95 EURO

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Category: Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
Code: 28633
ISBN-13: 9780674012738 / 978-0-674-01273-8
ISBN-10: 0674012739 / 0-674-01273-9
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Publication Date: 2003
Publication Place: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Binding: Cloth
Book Condition: New

Volume 101 of Harvard Studies in Classical Philology includes the following contributions: Stephen Scully, “Reading the Shield of Achilles: Terror, Anger, Delight”; Hugh Lloyd-Jones, “Zeus, Prometheus, and Greek Ethics”; Robert W. Wallace, “An Early Fifth-Century Athenian Revolution in Aulos Music”; Lucia Athanassaki, “Transformations of Colonial Disruption into Narrative Continuity in Pindar?s Epinician Odes”; Christina Clark, “Minos? Touch and Theseus? Glare: Gestures in Bakkhylides 17”; Peter Grossardt, “The Title of Aeschylus? Ostologoi”; John Gibert, “Apollo?s Sacrifice: The Limits of a Metaphor in Greek Tragedy”; Albert Henrichs, “Hieroi Logoi and Hierai Bibloi: The (Un)Written Margins of the Sacred in Ancient Greece”; David M. Engel, “Women?s Role in the Home and the State: Stoic Theory Reconsidered”; James J. Clauss, “Once upon a Time on Cos: A Banquet with Pan on the Side in Theocritus Idyll 7”; Alexander Sens, “Pleasures Recalled: A.R. 3.813–814, Asclepiades, and Homer”; Christopher S. Mackay, “Quaestiones Pisonianae: Procedural and Chronological Notes on the S.C. De Cn. Pisone Patre”; Alex Hardie, “The Pindaric Sources of Horace Odes 1.12”; Charles E. Murgia, “The Date of the Helen Episode”; Mark Toher, “Nicolaus and Herod in the Antiquitates Judaicae”; W. S. Watt,† “Notes on the Anthologia Latina”; D. R. Shackleton Bailey, “New Readings in Valerius Maximus”; and R. Sklenář, “The Cosm(et)ology of Claudian?s ?In Sepulchrum Speciosae.?”

Editorial Note [Editorial Board: Albert Henrichs, Nino Luraghi, Gregory Nagy, Charles Segal†, Richard F. Thomas; with the assistance of Emmanuel C. Bourbouhakis and José M. González]
[In Memoriam] Publications of Charles P. Segal
Reading the Shield of Achilles: Terror, Anger, Delight [Stephen Scully]
Zeus, Prometheus, and Greek Ethics [Hugh Lloyd-Jones]
An Early Fifth-Century Athenian Revolution in Aulos Music [Robert W. Wallace]
Transformations of Colonial Disruption into Narrative Continuity in Pindar?s Epinician Odes [Lucia Athanassaki]
Minos? Touch and Theseus? Glare: Gestures in Bakkhylides 17 [Christina Clark]
The Title of Aeschylus? Ostologoi [Peter Grossardt]
Apollo?s Sacrifice: The Limits of a Metaphor in Greek Tragedy [John Gibert]
Hieroi Logoi and Hierai Bibloi: The (Un)Written Margins of the Sacred in Ancient Greece [Albert Henrichs]
Women?s Role in the Home and the State: Stoic Theory Reconsidered [David M. Engel]
Once upon a Time on Cos: A Banquet with Pan on the Side in Theocritus Idyll 7 [James J. Clauss]
Pleasures Recalled: A.R. 3.813–814, Asclepiades, and Homer [Alexander Sens]
Quaestiones Pisonianae: Procedural and Chronological Notes on the S.C. De Cn. Pisone Patre [Christopher S. Mackay]
The Pindaric Sources of Horace Odes 1.12 [Alex Hardie]
The Date of the Helen Episode [Charles E. Murgia]
Nicolaus and Herod in the Antiquitates Judaicae [Mark Toher]
Notes on the Anthologia Latina [W. S. Watt†]
New Readings in Valerius Maximus [D. R. Shackleton Bailey]
The Cosm(et)ology of Claudian?s “In Sepulchrum Speciosae” [R. Sklenář]
Summaries of Dissertations for the Degree of Ph.D.

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Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Volume 101


  • ISBN-13: 9780674012738 / 978-0-674-01273-8
  • ISBN-03: 0674012739 / 0-674-01273-9
  • Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2003

Price: 45,95 EURO

1 copy in stock