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Platia Magoula Zarkou : The Neolithic Perdiod : Environment, Stratigraphy and Architecture, Chronology, Tools, Figurines and Ornaments

by: Alram-Stern, E. Gallis, K. Toufexis, G.

Price: 150,00 EURO

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Category: OREA - Oriental and European Archaeology
Code: 28651
ISBN-13: 9783700190363 / 978-3-7001-9036-3
ISBN-10: 3700190360 / 3-7001-9036-0
Publisher: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Publication Date: 2022
Publication Place: Wien
Binding: Cloth
Book Condition: New
Comments: OREA 23 / Oriental and European Archaeology (OREA), 23

Diese Grabungspublikation präsentiert die neolithischen Siedlungsschichten des in der Peneios-Ebene in Westthessalien (Griechenland) gelegenen Tells von Platia Magula Zarkou. Der Tell weist eine ununterbrochene Siedlungsabfolge auf, die aufgrund der Radiokarbondaten in das 6. Jahrtausend v. Chr. fällt und das Mittelneolithikum sowie das frühe Spätneolithikum Griechenlands umfasst. Geologische und geophysikalische Untersuchungen des Umlandes stellen den Tell in sein natürliches Umfeld. Sie zeigen, dass sich dieser Teil des Peneios-Tales während des Neolithikums durch die Existenz eines (temporären) Sees auszeichnete und die Siedlung im Uferbereich eines schmalen Golfes lag. Der Tell war von Gräben umgeben, die das Siedlungsareal klar definierten. Anhand der Stratigraphie und Bebauung, der Radiokarbondaten, der Geräte, der Kultobjekte, zu denen auch das bekannte Hausmodell gehört, und des Schmucks wird der kulturelle Wandel dieser Epoche analysiert. In den neun Bauphasen zeigt sich ein Wechsel von verbautem und offenem/halboffenem Areal. Im Charakter der Funde ist ab dem ausgehenden Mittelneolithikum ein deutlicher Wandel abzulesen, der unter anderem in den verwendeten Rohmaterialien und dem damit verknüpften Beschaffungsnetzwerk zu erkennen ist. Das Hausmodell von Platia Magula Zarkou wird als Symbol eines bestatteten Haushalts interpretiert, deren Figurinen als Bewohner bestimmte Rollen im Haushalt zukamen.

 This volume of the publication of the excavations of the Neolithic tell of Platia Magoula Zarkou in Thessaly/Greece presents its continuous settlement sequence of the 6th millennium BC. Cultural change of this period is analysed based on its stratigraphy and constructions, the radiocarbon data, the tools, the ritual objects (including the house model) as well as the ornaments. Geological and geophysical investigations of the surroundings put the tell in its natural environment

Preface by the Series Editor
I. Introduction: Chronicle of Excavations and Research 1974-1990 / Kostas Gallis
I.1. The History of the Excavations
I.2. Pottery Analyses
I.3. The House Model
I.4. Continuation of the Excavations
I.5. Geoarchaeological Investigation in the Area of the Site
I.6. Radiocarbon Dates and Further Research on the Site
I.7. Conclusions
I.8. Acknowledgements
II. The Environment and its Evolution around the Tell
II.1. The Latest Quaternary Evolution of the Peneiada Valley, Central Greece, and its Effects on Neolithic and Historical Settlement Distribution / Riccardo Caputo
Bruno Helly
Dimitra Rapti
Sotiris Valkaniotis
II.1.1. Introduction
II.1.2. Late Quaternary Peneiada Valley Evolution
II.1.3. Environmental Changes in the Post-Last Glacial Maximum Period
II.1.4. Concluding Remarks
II.1.5. Appendix: Description of the Peneiada Valley Project-1 Borehole 55Riccardo Caputo
Bruno Helly
Marco Stefani
George Syrides
Sotiris Valkaniotis
Alexandros Bellesis
Giorgos Toufexis
II.2. Geophysical Investigations / Apostolos Sarris
Tuna Kalayci
James Donati
II.2.1. Scope of the Survey and Previous Geological Studies
II.2.2. Geophysical Instrumentation and Methodology
II.2.3. Geophysical Results
II.2.4. Integration of Geophysical Data and Discussion
III. Stratigraphy and Architecture / Giorgos Toufexis
Christos Batzelas
III.1. The Excavations
III.2. Processing of the Stratigraphy
III.3. Building Phases
III.3.1. Building Phase I
III.3.2. Building Phase II
III.3.3. Building Phase III
III.3.4. Building Phase IV
III.3.5. Building Phase V
III.3.6. Building Phase VI
III.3.7. Building Phase VII
III.3.8. Building Phase VIII
III.3.9. Building Phase IX
III.4. Discussion
III.4.1. The Ditch
III.4.2. Building Remains
III.4.3. Thermal Structures
III.4.4. Burnt Pieces of Clay with Decorative Elements
III.4.5. Tell Formation and Use of Domestic Space
III.5. Epilogue
IV. The Absolute Chronology of the Excavations: Radiocarbon Dating and Stratigraphic Age Modelling / Bernhard Weninger
Giorgos Toufexis
Christos Batzelas
IV.1. Introduction
IV.2. The 14C Database
IV.3. Data Processing and Calibration Software
IV.4. Single-Age 14C Age Calibration
IV.4.1. Overview: Dispersion Calibration
IV.4.2. Single-Date Age-Depth Model
IV.5. Gaussian Monte Carlo Wiggle Matching
IV.5.1. Methodology
IV.5.2. Results of Gaussian Monte Carlo Wiggle Matching Application to Platia Magoula Zarkou-Data
IV.6. Discussion
IV.7. Conclusions
V. The Tools
V.1. The Flaked Stone Assemblages / Catherine Perlès
Lygeri Papagiannaki
V.1.1. Introduction
V.1.2. An Overview of Raw Materials Exploitation
V.1.3. Lithic Phase 1
Building Phases I-V
V.1.4. Lithic Phase 2
Building Phase VI
V.1.5. Lithic Phase 3
Building Subphase VIIa
V.1.6. Lithic Phase 4
Building Subphases VIIb and VIIc
V.1.7. Lithic Phase 5
Building Phase VIII
V.1.8. Discussion
V.1.9. Appendix 1: Table of Wear Traces / Lygeri Papagiannaki
Sylvie Beyries
V.1.10. Appendix 2: The Flaked Stone Assemblages
A Brief Note on Agricultural Tools / Niccolò Mazzucco
V.1.11. Appendix 3: Geochemical Sourcing of Chipped Stone Tools from Platia Magoula Zarkou / Michael Brandl
Christoph A. Hauzenberger
Peter Filzmoser
Maria M. Martinez
V.2. The Platia Magoula Zarkou Macrolithics: A Thessalian Industry in its Aegean Neolithic Context / Anna Stroulia
V.2.1. Introduction
V.2.2. Grinding and Abrading Tools
V.2.3. Celts
V.2.4. Percussive Tools
V.2.5. Specimens with Narrow Grooves
V.2.6. Miscellanea
V.2.7. Conclusions
V.3. Bone Tools / Rozalia Christidou
V.3.1. Introduction
V.3.2. Major Groups and State of Preservation of the Bone Artefacts
V.3.3. Raw Materials and Tool Blanks
V.3.4. Tool Shaping and Resharpening
V.3.5. Tool Types and Morphometric Features
V.3.6. Tool Use
V.3.7. Summary and Discussion
V.3.8. Appendices/Catalogues
V.4. Clay Spinning and Weaving Implements / Christopher Britsch
V.4.1. Introduction
V.4.2. Artefact Categories
V.4.3. Textile Tools by Phases
V.4.4. Characteristics and Development of Neolithic Textile Production at Platia Magoula Zarkou
V.5. Various Clay and Sherd Tools / Eva Alram-Stern
V.5.1. Sling Bullets
V.5.2. Scrapers
Abrasive Instruments
V.5.3. Rounded Sherds
V.5.4. Eight-shaped Sherd Tools
V.5.5. Sherd Burnishers
VI. Figurines, House Model and Ritual VesselsEva Alram-Stern
VI.1. Introduction
VI.2. Anthropomorphic Figurines
VI.2.1. Fabric, Manufacture, Decoration
VI.2.2. Typology
VI.2.3. Towards a Chronology of the Figurines
VI.2.4. The Anthropomorphic Figurines: Their Use and Meaning
VI.3. The House Model Assemblage: Context and Deposition, Composition and Meaning
VI.3.1. Context and Deposition of the House Model
VI.3.2. Form and Decoration of the Model and the Figurines
VI.3.3. The House Model as a Social Arena
VI.3.4. Conclusions
VI.4. Zoomorphic Figurines or Vessel Protomes
VI.5. Anthropomorphic Vessels
VI.6. Table and Miniature Bowl
VI.7. Catalogue
VI.7.1. Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic Figurines
VI.7.2. Table and Miniature Bowl
VII. The Ornaments / Nina Kyparissi-Apostolika
VII.1. Introduction
VII.2. The Inventory
VII.2.1. Shell
VII.2.2. Bone
VII.2.3. Stone
VII.2.4. Clay
VII.3. Where in the Deposit
In Space and Time
VII.4. Discussion
Conclusions: The Ornaments in the Thessalian Framework
VIII. Archaeobotanical and Zooarchaeological Remains
RevisitedPaul Halstead
VIII.1. Composition of the Archaeobotanical and Zooarchaeological Assemblages in Context
VIII.2. Land Use at Platia Magoula Zarkou in Context
VIII.3. Cultures of Food Consumption at Platia Magoula Zarkou in Context
VIII.4. Conclusions
IX. The Physical and Social Landscape of Neolithic Platia Magoula Zarkou / Stella Souvatzi
IX.1. The Physical Landscape and Human Agency
IX.2. The Constructed Landscape
IX.2.1. Around the Mound: Boundaries and Water Management Systems?
IX.2.2. The Settlement Type and its Significance
IX.2.3. The Cemetery and the Manipulation of History
IX.3. The Wider Social Landscape
IX.4. Conclusions
X. Platia Magoula Zarkou in Context: Summary and Conclusions / Eva Alram-Stern
Giorgos Toufexis
X.1. The Area around the Tell
X.1.1. The Geographical Setting and the Environment of the Tell
X.1.2. The Constructed Area around the Tell
X.2. Stratigraphy and Architecture
X.2.1. The Excavations of Platia Magoula Zarkou: Premises and Procedure
X.2.2. The Stratigraphic and Architectural Sequence
X.2.3. Built and Open Space, Construction Techniques and Levelling Activities
X.3. Relative and Absolute Chronology
X.3.1. Radiocarbon Dating and Relative Chronology
X.3.2. Chronology and Phasing Based on Various Artefact Groups
X.4. The Evidence for Subsistence
X.5. The Finds
X.5.1. The Activities at the Site Based on the Evidence of the Toolkit
X.5.2. Acquisition of Raw Material and Tool Production
X.5.3. Figurines and Objects of Ritual Connotation and their Relationto the Site
X.5.4. Prestigious Objects
X.6. The Distribution Networks
X.6.1. Distribution and Consumption of Goods
X.6.2. Platia Magoula Zarkou and the Distribution Network of Western Thessaly
X.6.3. Platia Magoula Zarkou and its Connection to the Eastern Thessalian Plain
X.6.4. Platia Magoula Zarkou and its Connection to the World outside Thessaly
X.7. The Society of Platia Magoula Zarkou
X.8. Platia Magoula Zarkou and Cultural Change: Questions for Future Research
List of Illustrations
List of Authors
Geographical Index
Subject Index


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Platia Magoula Zarkou : The Neolithic Perdiod : Environment, Stratigraphy and Architecture, Chronology, Tools, Figurines and Ornaments

by: Alram-Stern, E. Gallis, K. Toufexis, G.

  • ISBN-13: 9783700190363 / 978-3-7001-9036-3
  • ISBN-03: 3700190360 / 3-7001-9036-0
  • Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 2022

Price: 150,00 EURO

1 copy in stock